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非传染性疾病造成的社会经济影响如何?What are the socioeconomic impacts of NCDs?

购买优酪乳者以女生较多。Girls with higher socioeconomic status drank more yoghurt.

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我们被政治和社会经济局势所束缚。We are hampered by the political and socioeconomic situation.

低碳经济已经成为社会经济发展的必然趋势。Low-carbon economy has been the socioeconomic development trend.

但招待行业是否带给女性温馨生活和社会经济地位的改变呢?But does hostessing bring women a rosy life and socioeconomic mobility?

狱中书信寄往不同的杂志,从社会经济类到人口统计学。Jail mail comes to magazines of all stripes and socioeconomic demographic.

同时社会经济学和文化方面的作用也很难排除在外。But the effects of socioeconomic class and culture are hard to rule out as well.

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就这样,马龙用了区区10页的篇幅,就说尽了一万两千年的社会经济演变史。And so, in 10 pages, does Malone explain 12,000 years of socioeconomic evolution.

第五章介绍移民对归绥地区社会经济、文化方面的影响。The fifth chapter describes the impact of immigration on socioeconomic and culture.

生态经济区划原则是地带性原则、非地带性原则和社会经济学原则。The principles of eco-economic zoning are zonality, non-zonality and socioeconomic.

亚裔美国人均享有高社经地位及良好的教育和健康。Asian Americans enjoy a high socioeconomic status, are well educated and are healthy.

冈崎文夫专攻隋唐以前的社会经济史。Okazaki Fumio specializing in the previous socioeconomic history of the Sui and Tang.

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林业局总体设计是一项复杂的社会经济系统工程。The overall design of a forestry bureau is a complex socioeconomic system engineering.

人口学家弗雷说,这样他们可以享有一种更高的社会经济地位。This suggests they enjoy higher socioeconomic status, Mr. Frey, the demographer, said.

随着社会经济的不断发展,金口河区的土地生态问题日益突出。With the rapid socioeconomic development, the ecological problems gradually stood out.

阑尾切除术后早期出院对绝大多数病人是安全可行的。We conclude early discharge after appendicectomy is safe and has socioeconomic benefits.

实现科技进步,实现经济和社会发展,关键都在人。People are the key to scientific and technological progress and socioeconomic development.

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这个特性将来自各个地方、具有不同社会背景的人们吸引到在线游戏中。This has attracted people to online games from vast geographic and socioeconomic spectrums.

其伴发疾病、死亡率及引发相关的社会经济问题亟待世界性关注。Its co-morbidities, mortality, and relevant socioeconomic issues have became global concerns.

这种决心部分来自卫生可推动社会经济进展的证据。Part of this determination arises from evidence that health can drive socioeconomic progress.