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这些网站骗术并不高明。These website legerdemain are not brillant.

有人谴责白宫在玩花招。Some accused the White House of legerdemain.

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他通过一些资本运作“戏法”发了大财。He made a fortune through financial legerdemain.

而且他们往往是通过在统计数据方面玩弄把戏产生的。Usually, they are the result of statistical legerdemain.

魔术师利用戏法从帽子里变出一只兔子来。By a feat of legerdemain the magician produced a rabbit from his hat.

但是本周的预算“惊喜”不能简单的看成使财政戏法。But this week's budget "surprise" cannot be put down simply to financial legerdemain.

最终这个骗术揭秘将近50000字,包含了42种骗术。Final this legerdemain uncovers secret near 50000 words, contained 42 kinds of deceitful trick.

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另外,对快速部署来说非常重要的是,大多数应用程序对这些幕后戏法是完全不可知的。And vital to rapid deployment, most applications can be completely oblivious to this background legerdemain.

他的门对着早晨敞开着,他一面轻轻地哼唱,一面他的右手练着戏法。His door stood open to the morning, and he hummed under his breath while his right hand practiced legerdemain.

究其原因是受到了外国文学尤其是英国作家康拉德以及中国传统小说的影响。The reason why this legerdemain exists is that he was affected by the English writer Colander and the Chinese traditional literature.

他的最伟大的小说都显示出非同寻常的叙述手段和魔鬼般的创造力,这一定程度上是由于英语和俄语游戏般的相互影响而启发的灵感。His greatest novels display extraordinary narrative legerdemain and fiendish invention, partly inspired by the ludic interaction of English and Russian.

如果不这样,可以在结构,区段和寄存器中是用一些小技巧,仅仅需要对壳中出现的变量进行处理就可以了。Instead, I prefer to do a bit of legerdemain with structures, sections, and segments. This only needs to be done for the variables published to the packer.

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日前,有网友发帖揭露了高仿真山寨淘宝网套取用户名和密码的骗术。A few days ago, netizen hair post disclosed tall emulation mountain fastness to clean out treasure net to cover the legerdemain that takes user name and password.

据嫌疑人称,这种骗术最早出现在深圳是在2004年,其中在业内名气较大的是“金聚汇”公司。Say according to the suspect, this kind of legerdemain appears the earliest in Shenzhen is 2004, it is among them inside course of study name is bigger is " Jin Juhui " company.

很显然,因为他对我的了解还不够,因此还处于资料收集阶段,可是因为骗术太糟糕,很快就被我发现了。Very apparent, because he is right my understanding is insufficient still, because this still is in a data to collect level, because legerdemain is too bad, can be, was discovered very quickly by me.