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当地人会教你如何做饭、缝衣。The local Mennonite community will teach you how to cook and sew.

在加拿大安大略省伊劳拉镇上的一座门诺派农场中,一头母牛正在照料刚出生的牛犊。A cow cares for her newborn calf on a Mennonite farm in Elora, Ontario, Canada.

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他来自荷兰,父亲是门诺派牧师,本人却信奉犹太教。He was from the Netherlands, the son of a Mennonite minister, and was drawn to Judaism.

作为一个在罗马天主教环境下长大的人,他结婚不久就参加了妻子在门诺教堂的仪式。Raised a Roman Catholic, he had joined his wife's Mennonite church following their marriage.

作为门诺派宗教的一种,这一宗教为维持秩序提供了主要的机制。The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order.

本周门诺教派和其他大地主为自己的毁林行为进行了辩护,强调这种做法创造了就业机会。Mennonite and other large landowners this week defended the deforestation, arguing that it created jobs.

北美的门诺会并不大,但其历史却可以追溯到十六世纪的教会改革时期。The Mennonite Church in North America is not large, but its history goes back to the Reformation period.

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长话短说,亚米希‧门诺那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends.

我们是门诺弟兄会华人教会的会员,位于加拿大卑斯省的南温哥华区。We are member of the Canadian Conference of Brethren Mennonite Churches located in South Vancouver, BC, Canada.

在刚刚过去的二十世纪规模最大的门诺机构,在美国已经开始发挥著重要作用,在全社会的前列。In the 20th century the largest Mennonite bodies in the US have begun to play a significant role in society at large.

几户大的门诺教家庭和具备实力的合作农场在查科购买的土地超过200万公顷。The large Mennonite families and powerful co-operative farm groups have bought an estimated 2m hectares of land in the Chaco.

早期的董事,医生,护士,院牧和基督教门诺医院的工作人员都是长老教会的成员。The early directors, doctors, nurses, chaplains and staff at the Mennonite Christian Hospital were all members of the Presbyterians Church.

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如今,在几个主要操德国方言的门诺社区,不仅有人炫耀新颖的皮卡,还出现了具有北美风格的大型超市和餐馆。Mennonite communities, where an old German dialect is mostly spoken, now sport new pick-up trucks and have north American-style hypermarkets and restaurants.

霍夫曼夫妇乔和瑞琪在海地的孟诺教派慈善中心工作了4个月,地震中他们只受了轻伤。Joel and Rachel Hoffman, who had been working for the charity Mennonite Central Committee in the country for four months, suffered minor injuries in the earthquake.

框架完成后,我开着借来的皮卡车,奔驰半小时,来到弗吉尼亚的代顿--谢南多厄河谷的农村社区,那里生活着许多旧秩序门诺派居民。Once the framing was complete, I drove a borrowed pickup truck 30 minutes to Dayton, Va., a rural Shenandoah Valley community with a large Old Order Mennonite population.

本研究采横断性研究,从花莲门诺医院共收集116位接受胃肠道内视镜检查之病人进入研究。This study is performed by cross-sectional study. A total of 116 patients with digestive tract disorder underwent endoscopy in Mennonite Christian Hospital in Hula lien were enrolled.