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院落别墅的时代之筵。Era' feast of yard villa.

她的劢宴是七月22日。Her feast day is July 22.

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他吃喜酒去了。He went to a wedding feast.

蝙蝠鹞鱼开始了盛宴。Bat rays awaken to the feast.

收获节或五旬节。Feast of Harvest or Pentecost.

他们在筵席上狂饮。They liquored up at the feast.

那今天我可真有口福。I'm getting a great feast today.

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这里的火龙果宴可是相当有名的哦!The pitaya feast is very famous!

他们为筵席搞到一头猪。They foraged a pig for the feast.

现在,尊敬的先生,我们尽情享受吧。And now esteemed effendi we feast.

于是,他们举行了隆重盛大的婚宴。So a great wedding feast was held.

我们要大啖海鲜跟葡萄酒。We will feast on seafood and wine.

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你看看这钻石一饱眼福吧。Feast your eyes on this diwoulmond.

神啊,求祢使我们的生命常享喜乐的丰筵。God, make our lives a feast of joy.

强者享用他们的尸体。The strong feast on their carcasses.

我们吃了一顿丰盛的团圆饭。We had a sumptuous feast of reunion.

穷人挨饿,而富人在大吃大喝。The poor starve while the rich feast.

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来享用免费的软件大餐吧!Come and share the free package feast.

我的锦食欢娱,也只是一碟惆怅。My feast of joy is but a dish of pain.

他们打算通宵欢宴。They intended to feast the night away.