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我要好好享受一次日光浴。I'll treat myself to a sunbath.

我要好好享受一下日光浴。I will treat myself to a sunbath.

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在大东海进行日光浴是最好的选择。Dadong Sea is your best choice to take a sunbath.

不可以的话,现在先陪我晒太阳好不好?If Not, could you have a sunbath with me right now?

手工编织的草帽,在屋前排好队,进行日光浴。Hand-woven straw hats take a sunbath under the hot sun.

白色的墙壁前面,三只猫正在晒太阳。There were 3 cats in front of the white wall having sunbath.

我的下个目标是呆在海滩上享受日光浴。My next goal is that I can stay on the beach getting sunbath.

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您可以在珊瑚礁潜水或者在私人海滩日光浴。Snorkelling at the coral reefs or sunbath on the private beach.

游客们平躺在海滩上,享受着日光浴。The tourists laid themselves flat on the beach to enjoy a sunbath.

这个小男孩赤条条地躺在沙滩上晒太阳。The little boy was having the sunbath on the beach in his birthday suit.

可以在公寓﹐让她最开心的就是可以晒太阳。Lamei can live an apartment lifestyle. she's happy just to sunbath everyday.

滨湖浴场波平沙细,湖水清澈,空气清新,是淡水浴、阳光浴、沙浴的理想场所。The bathing lakeside is an ideal site for freshwater bath, sunbath and sand bath.

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澳洲人真的超爱享受阳光,不论是在草地或是沙滩,都会有人悠閒的日光浴。Aussie really love enjoying the sunshine. People do sunbath no matter it's on beach or grass.

酒店提供一个健身中心和桑拿,还有游泳池,惠而浦,和日光浴。The hotel offers a fitness center and sauna, as well as swimming pool, whirlpool, and sunbath.

太阳浴和冷水浴能增强体质,当然引人而异。Sunbath and cold-water bath can enhance your constitution, of course, take different measure for different persons.

原来,在初秋的一个双休日,晓娜与男友到大连旅游,在美丽的海滩晒了一个上午的日光浴。Originally, in the early autumn of a weekend, and her boyfriend Xiaona travel to Dalian, in the beautiful beaches of a drying morning sunbath.