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踝状突位于核后端的植入窝中。The capitulum is inside the implantation fossa.

瘦果在萌发之前必须与头状花序分离。The achenes need to be disconnected from the capitulum before they germinate.

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取穴时屈膝垂足,在腓骨小头前下方凹陷中。Below the pedal, and find out when the knees in front of the fibula capitulum sag.

目的探讨儿童肱骨小头骨折手术治疗的方法。Objective To investigate the operative methods in children capitulum humeral fracture.

桡骨小头在稳定肘关节及上尺桡关节中起着至关重要的作用。Capitulum radius plays a vital role in stabilizing elbow joint and proximal radioulnar joint.

均行桡骨小头切除术,术后常规石膏固定对症处理。Two patients were treated by resection of capitulum radius and plaster fixation after operation.

同时,临床上也以桡骨头损伤合并内侧副韧带损伤多见。Clinically, the fracture of radial capitulum is often complicated with the injury of this ligament.

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方法对48例肱骨小头骨折病例的损伤机制、手术方法、随访结果进行分析。Methods To analyse the injury mechanism, operative methods, and follow-up results in 48 child cases of capitulum humeral fracture.

菊花为菊科多年生草本植物,是我国传统的常用中药材之一,主要以头状花序供药用。Chrysanthemum Asteraceae perennial herb, is one of our traditional Chinese herbal medicines commonly used, mainly for medicinal capitulum.

目的探讨采用肘前入路治疗肱骨小头骨折的固定方法和疗效。Objective To evaluate the clinical result of anterior elbow approach and internal fixation for the treatment of capitulum humeri fractures.

成熟之后的第一个夏季期间,花冠发生变化以确保一些瘦果能够在随后的冬季被传播。During the first summer after maturation there are changes in the capitulum that enable some of the achenes to being dispersed during the following winter.

事物呈现出各种图案,如在动物皮、树叶或树皮的表面上,或在头状花序、雪花、壳的螺旋或天空中行星和恒星的几何排列中。Things show various patterns, such as in animal skins, leaves or bark on the surface, or in the capitulum , snow, the spiral shell or planets and stars in the sky in the arrangement of geometry.