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街上装饰著红、白、蓝三色彩旗。The streets were decorated with bunting.

其他学校也一口许诺会有“彩旗飘飘”。Another school promises "bunting and flags".

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这个城市到处飘扬著五色缤纷的旗帜。The city was gay with all colors of bunting.

欧洲白颊鸟,其雄鸟是亮黄色。European bunting the male being bright yellow.

爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况?Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?

屋子上悬挂着红白蓝三色的旗帜。The buildings were draped with red, white, and blue bunting.

为庆祝音乐节,街道上挂满了彩旗。The street is decorated with bunting for the music festival.

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他们用红、白、兰色旗子表针露天音乐台。They decorated the band stand with red, white, and blue bunting.

“他们知道我总是会为了实现某个目标而使出一些愚蠢滑稽的小花招来,”本顿如是说。“They know I’ll always do some stupid stunt to make the goal, ” Bunting said.

包括彩色霸鹟、芦鹀、白喉莺在内的鸟类常常避开在城市生存。Species which tend to avoid cities include pied flycathers, reed bunting and whitethroat.

高玮编著。中国隼形目鸟类生态学。科学出版社.2002。Gao Wei Editor. Ecology in Jankowski's Bunting. Jilin Science and Technology Press , 2002.

即将下水的新客轮饰以鲜红的绢花,挂满彩旗,打扮得很漂亮。The new passenger liner to be launched was decked out with scarlet silk flowers and bunting.

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凯恩戈姆山国家公园中,一只雪鹀在结冰的砾石后面躲避风雪。A female snow bunting shelters from the wind behind an ice-encrusted boulder in Cairngorms National Park.

从斧子落下的那一刻,国旗的降下,旗帜和皇家微笑就在为未来播种了。From the moment the axe swung, the fleeds of flags, bunting and royal smiles were sown for centuries to come.

现在,有近50年后,鹀已确立了在数个系列产品的领先制造商本身。Now, nearly 50 years later, Bunting has established itself as a leading manufacturer in several product lines.

“去年我把这个奖赏给了我博客的一个读者”,本顿说,"不过我想今年我大概会自己享用这份奖赏。“Last year I gave the prize to one of my readers, ” said Bunting. “I think I might take it myself this year, though.”

该帕因特德邦廷被发现在灌木丛,林地边,路旁布拉希地区,郊区,和花园。The Painted Bunting is found in thickets, woodland edges and brushy areas, along roadsides, in suburban areas, and gardens.

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十年之前,中国海军建军50周年的时候,纪念方式只不过是发行了一些纪念邮票和装饰了一些彩旗。Ten years ago, the PLAN's 50th anniversary slipped by with little more than a few commemorative stamps and plenty of bunting.

目前我们确定的是双溪槟榔及浮罗文丁是名副其实的客家村,其它乡镇也分布不少客家人。The Sungai Pinang and Pulau Bunting area of Balik Pulau being a real Hakka village, though there are Hakka in other area too.

于观塘区主要街道悬挂彩旗及横额,增添庆祝2009东亚运动会来临的欢乐气氛。To place Festival Bunting at main roads in Kwun Tong District to heat up festive atmosphere to welcome the 2009 East Asian Games.