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他喜欢整天其他事都不干,专心于钓鱼。He likes to sit and fish all the livelong day.

她坐在她丈夫的身边度过一个漫漫长夜。She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.

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在这漫长的六月里-冲着崇拜它的泥塘-鼓噪。To tell your name–the livelong June–To an admiring Bog!

没有什么能阻拦我们走出这漫漫长夜。Nothing can keep us from walking off the livelong night.

他始终都只是自己一个人,但是她后面却是整整一个大门派!He all all fair a human of he, merely her after namely a livelong front door parties!

多没劲啊非得争个名人地位,抛头露面像一只青蛙,在这漫长的六月里,冲着崇拜它的泥塘鼓噪。How dreary to be somebody, How public---like a frog---To tell your name the livelong June, To an admiring bog.

风轻轻地低语,膨化有时叹了口气像夏日的风沿着提升树叶整天的夜晚。The wind gently murmured, puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.

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漫长的白昼消磨在为他在地板上铺设座席,但灯盏还未点燃,我不能邀他进屋。The livelong day has passed in spreading his seat on the floor, but the lamp has not been lit and I cannot ask him into my house.

心,随风漫漫征程,看过了一山又一水的风景,游历了人世间的真实与梦境。Your heart, made a livelong travel with night wind, pass by the view of mountains and oceans, enjoying the reality and dreams of the world.

可是,就像第一次用颜料盒的年轻人那样,我整天都用新生的青春那色彩缤纷的幻想涂抹着。Still, like young folk with their first paint box, I spent the livelong day painting away with the many coloured fancies of my new-born youth.

本文对网络考试系统的需求分析,总体设计,详细设计与实现以及系统涉及的关键技术等问题进行了详细的论述。This text specifies the livelong process, including requirement analyse, system design, design in detail, and other key technologies the system involved.

采空区积水严重时,会导致工作面以至整个矿井的淹没,因此,必须正确运用多种方法探测采空区积水,解除水患。The serious hydrocele of the excation might conduce the working face or livelong minesubmerged, So need use many ways to detect the hydrocele of the excavation.

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你的光柱射到我的地上,我伸出胳膊整天站在门前,把我的眼泪、叹息和歌声变成的云彩,带回放在你的脚下。Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs.