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一个前缀,代表一万亿分之一或百万分之一,百万分之一的符号是P。A prefix meaning a trillionth or one-millionth of one-millionth Symbol isp.

我已完成了对第5百万比特运算范围的分配。I am now starting to assign ranges for the forty trillionth bit calculation.

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它的已访问网页名单添加了第1000000000000个地址。It added the one trillionth address to the list of Web pages it knows about.

此研究能够解释大爆炸后第一万亿分之一秒内所发生的事。The research could explain what happened in the first trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.

我们即将创造发生宇宙中一兆分之一秒的时间内的个体碰撞。Collisions, which occurred in the universe when it was something like a trillionth of a second old.

每立方空气中含有29到850微微克浓度。一微微克是一克的万亿分之一。It was found in concentrations of 29 to 850 pico grammes per cubic metre of air. A micro gramme is one trillionth of a gramme.

宇宙是怎样在最初的一万亿分之一秒内从一个无限小的点膨胀成天文学尺度的呢?How did the universe blossom from an infinitesimally small speck to astronomical proportions in its first trillionth second of existence?

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我和卡姆斯塔最近发表论文建议,政府发行GDP的股份,每一股的价值为GDP的一万亿分之一。In a recent paper, Mark Kamstra and I proposed that governments issue shares in their GDP, with each share amounting to a trillionth of GDP.

水分子的氢氧健一秒钟之内就会发生万亿次的断裂和重组。Inless than a trillionth of a second, water molecules are thought tofluctuate between the two states as the hydrogen bonds break and reform.

我们将创造各自的碰撞,这些出现在宇宙的碰撞像是兆分之一秒发生的。We are going to be creating individual collisions. Collisions, which occurred in the universe when it was something like a trillionth of a second old.

在少于10-21秒的时间内夸克和胶子可以以一种无摩擦的流体形式自由流动,这已经有137亿年没有出现过了。For less than a billionth of a trillionth of a second, quarks and gluons flowed freely in a frictionless fluid that hasn’t existed for 13.7 billion years.

但在只有一百万兆兆兆分之一厘米,即一个普郎克量子那样大小的时候,宇宙的尺度无异于量子微观尺度,因此必须引入量子理论,才能加以适当的描述。But when the universe is the Planck size, a billion trillion trillionth of a centimeter , the two scales are the same and quantum theory has to be taken into account.