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他说,然而上周五哈马市也发生了示抗议动。Still, he said, there were protests in Hama on Friday.

自上周日以来,哈马市一直遭受政府军的攻击。The city of Hama has been under military attack since Sunday.

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但是,哈马市市迅速地行动了起来,保护自己的家园防止其受到更大的侵害。But Hama residents reacted quickly to protect the city from any broader assault.

结果牙列缺损和牙列缺失患者修复前HAMA、HRSD的测定结果高于常模。Results The scores of HAMA and HRSD are higher in edentulous patients than national norms.

在最近的动乱中,叙利亚官方媒体报道,9人在哈马市附近的伏击中遇难。In the latest unrest, Syrian state media reported that nine people were killed in an ambush near the city of Hama.

但当地一家医院负责人哈马什告诉新华社记者,该医院已接收33具遗体,收治伤者34人。But the head of a local hospital Hama Shi told Xinhua that the hospital received 33 bodies, treated 34 injured people.

来自叙利亚城市哈马的报道称,政府的坦克随意地炮击居民区。Reports from the Syrian city of Hama say government tanks have been shelling residential neighbourhoods indiscriminately.

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据报道,联合国人道主义评估团还将访问拉塔基亚市、伊德利卜市和哈马市。According to reports, the UN humanitarian assessment mission will also visit the city of Latakia, Idlib City and the city of Hama.

方法采用汉密尔登焦虑、抑郁评定量表和焦虑、抑郁自评量表评定31例帕金森氏病患者的焦虑、抑郁。Method 31 patients with Parkinson's disease were evaluated with the scales of HAMD, HAMA for their anxiety and depressive symptoms.

“鸠山尝试着进行变革,但他面临着来自自己内部阵营的压力”。"Mr. Hatoyama is trying to bring about change, yet he faces resistance from within his own camp, " Professor Hama of Doshisha said.

一条名叫熊野古道的海边道路,过去是从仙台过来的夏季避暑路线。如今沿途满是载运残留物的卡车。The ancient Hama Kaido coast road used to be a summer escape route from Sendai city. Now it is choked with trucks carrying wreckage.

哈马市1982年的那次起义之后被禁止了的政治运动遭到了残酷的镇压,造成了至少10000人死亡。The banned political movement was behind a 1982 uprising in the city of Hama that was ruthlessly repressed, with at least 10, 000 killed.

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而在全国,星期二一天的交火造成了102人死亡,其中50人死在了霍姆斯,37人死于北方的城市Hama。Around the country, 102 people died in fighting on Tuesday, the group said, with 50 killed in Homs and 37 killed farther north in of Hama.

在哈马的一个政治活动家告诉记者说,政府军大举积极分子的家中,并进行逮捕和杀害。A political activist in Hama told VOA that government forces have been raiding the homes of activists and carrying out arrests and killings.

尽管军队仍在攻击,哈马依旧在不断抵抗,例如在斋月节午夜祈祷后爆发的抗议活动。Despite the army assault, Hama remains defiant with protests like this breaking out after nighttime prayers for the fasting month of Ramadan.

许多突尼斯人认为阿里家族偷走国家大部分财富,因此阿里的侄子位于哈马麦特的地中海度假别墅就成了民众发泄的对象。Many Tunisians Ali family that stole most of the country wealth, Matt Hama Ali's nephew is located in the Mediterranean holiday villas became the object of public vent.

方法采用随机对照方法,以马普替林为对照组,应用HAMD、HAMA、TESS量表,在疗前、疗后1、2、4、6周进行疗效及副反应评定。Methods The patients were randomly assigned into venlafaxine and maprotiline group and tested with HAMD, HAMA and TESS at the time of weeks 1,2,4,6 weeks after treatment.

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总部设在英国的监督机构叙利亚人权瞭望台星期五说,反政府武装违反了停火协议,在哈马省夺取土地。The monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in Britain, said Friday that rebels violated the cease-fire by taking over territory in the province of Hama.

这一方法是现任总统巴沙尔·阿萨德的父亲前总统哈菲兹·阿萨德惯用的方式。It was a tactic used by former President Hafez al-Assad, father of the current leader, Bashar al-Assad, against opposition forces led by the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama in 1982.

1980年代发生在哈马的血腥大屠杀,以及1990年代随着苏联解体,叙利亚政权保持着一党专政制度。This happened in the 1980s, with the bloody massacres in Hama. It happened in the early 1990s, after the Soviet bloc collapsed while the Syrian regime kept its one-party state.