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借壳福田已经是个老话题。Fukuda had a old lend hull.

蓝色船壳的那条。The one with the blue hull.

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这船壳撞得遍体鳞伤。The hull was pocked with dents.

有机玻璃加热体细胞,267毫升。Heated Lucite Hull Cell, 267 ml.

呈流线形艇体。Assumes the streamline shape hull.

吴先生,船体车间主任。Mr. Wu, director of the hull shop.

平原有机玻璃船体细胞集,267毫升。Plain Lucite Hull Cell Set, 267 ml.

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把草莓挑选好并把皮去掉。Pick over and hull the straw berries.

赫尔启动完成后,在甲板的进展。Hull priming complete, deck in progress.

今天要求所有的二水刷船壳。All OSs are required to paint hull today.

他把牵引支架固定在船体上。He fixed the towing cradle round the hull.

空气搅拌加热有机玻璃机体细胞,267毫升。Air Agitated Heated Lucite Hull Cell, 267 ml.

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因此,这个玻璃钢船体,我会再次使用它。So for this fiberglass hull I'll use it again.

20英尺高的大浪冲打着船体。Twenty-foot waves lashed the hull of the ship.

艇体大部分是单壳体结构。The hull majority is the single shell structure.

炮塔和车体的前装甲质量低下。The frontal hull and turret armor is low quality.

水从船体上的漏洞中涌进来。Water poured in through a leak in the ship's hull.

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阿琼MK.2型的车体和炮塔进行了重新设计。Hull and turret of the Arjun Mk. 2 were redesigned.

驾驶员坐在一个小型抗压舱中。The pilot sits in a small, pressure-resistant hull.

他们将渔船倾斜过来重新油漆船体。They careened the fishing boat to repaint the hull.