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你就像一个满腹牢骚的小屁孩。You sound like a whiny brat.

但演得却是一个被宠坏的毛头小子。He is just a brat spoiled kid.

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是谁使她变得这样坏?Who turned her into such a brat?

更深一层说,科比还是一个被宠怀的毛孩子。Deep down, Kobe is still the spoiled brat.

没有哪个父母想让自己的孩子变成一个被宠坏的坏孩子。No parent wants a child who is a spoiled brat.

那位被宠坏的小孩习惯于我行我素。That spoiled brat is used to having his own way.

让一个小顽童进椭圆形办公室。这正是我们需要的。That's what we need. A little brat in the Oval Office.

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是我那宝贝妹子干的好事。It was that brat of a sister of mine who was so stupid.

更深一层说,科比还是一个被宠怀的毛孩子。An Army brat was boasting about his father to a Navy brat.

约翰•亚当斯曾称之为“苏格兰小贩的私生子”。John Adams called him the"bastard brat of a Scotch peddler."

但独生子女并不必然就会孤独,不合群并且淘气。But an only child isn’t necessarily a loner, misfit and brat.

哇,你肯定是个被宠坏了的淘气鬼,一定非常专横跋扈。Oh, you must have been a spoiled brat. You must be really bossy.

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为什么他选择了雅各布这个侍宠而傲慢的孩子?Why does he choose young Joseph, who's an arrogant spoiled brat?

这小杂种和我们一点干系都没有,更别说娶她的那畜生。This brat has nothing to do with either of us, nor any beast she marries.

虽然宋小星看上去乖巧可爱,事实上她却是一个不择不扣的小淘气包。As adoreable as she looks here, she was actually quite the noisy little brat.

同一个娃娃面对面消磨整个晚上,让我实在受不了。It would be intolerable to me to pass a whole evening tete-e-tete with a brat.

该书讲述的是他在军事世家的成长故事,以及他在越南和海军学院服役的经历。It's about his upbringing as military brat and service in Vietnam and naval academy.

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你懂的,大狗能够在任意时刻杀掉小狗,就是容忍小顽童而已。You know the big dog can kill the little dog any time but just tolerates the little brat.

把屋子也收拾利落了,二太太把个刚到一周岁的小泥鬼交给了他。The rooms cleaned up , the No. 2 wife thrust a muddy brat barely one year old into his arms.

支持姓韩这小子吧,他骂的三人中有两个我听着都不顺耳。To support this Han brat ? I've heard nasty stuff about two of the three people he insulted.