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她突然抽泣起来。She burst into a convulsive sobs.

抽搐的动作、发作等。A convulsive movement, spasm, etc.

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对两组患者在治疗中痉挛发作情况进行分析。The status of convulsive seizure was compared between the two groups.

在抽噎间,她告诉祖父这一些根本那是黑郁金香球根。Between convulsive sobs, IT talked him those any were his black tulip bulbs.

在抽噎间,她告诉祖父黑郁金香球根。Between convulsive sobs, she told him that these were his black tulip bulbs.

目的改良脑瘫痉挛性马蹄足的治疗方法。Objective To improve the treatment of Brain paralysis convulsive equinovarus.

一种舞蹈,剧烈摇晃身体,做一些模拟机器人的滑稽姿势。A type of dancing characterized by convulsive body movements and mimed robotic gestures.

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满是死树的森林容易招致惨重的大火,这是一种具有骤发性动因的改变。Forests full of dead trees are prone to catastrophic fires, a convulsive agent of change.

我听见年轻人悄悄地啜泣哽咽,为自己的痛苦,为所作所为懊悔不已I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men at anguish with themselves, remorseful after deeds done

为了从社会上拯救自己就慌慌忙忙地抓住一个机会,在被迫之下她会怎样回答他,她自己也说不清楚。How a convulsive snatching at social salvation might have impelled her to answer him she could not say.

他回来,看着一片狼藉的家和泪流满面孤单无助的她,心,抽搐着疼。He came back and watched a messy home alone and helpless, she burst into tears, heart, a convulsive pain.

结论外固定架治疗脑瘫性马蹄足方法简便,疗效确切。Conclusion The treatment of outside fixer to brain paralysis convulsive equinovarus is easy and effective.

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她瘦小的手,以其痉挛的压力,坚定地钩住了她的同伴,就象老虎钳夹紧她一般。The convulsive pressure of her slight hand held her companion as firmly as an iron vice could have held her.

专家亦在不断改进治疗方法,如行无抽搐性电休克。The expert also is improving remedial method ceaselessly, if do not have shock of convulsive sex report all right.

工业化和城市化带来的剧烈变革在十九世纪末震撼了美国。Convulsive changes caused by industrialization and urbanization shook the United States at the end of the 19th century.

情感爆发、意识障碍、抽搐发作,一般于短期内即可消失,但常常有再发倾向。Affection erupts, recognizant obstacle, convulsive fit, general at short-term inside can disappear, but often have reappearance tendency.

那条鱼大口地喘气,然后做最后拼死一跳,将自己投向河的方向,结果砰地一声落在人行道上。The fish gasped, then made one last convulsive leap, throwing itself in the direction of the river, and landed on the pavement with a thud.

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这个团结的村子变得不知所措,无法解释让这群年轻女孩备受折磨的种种病症,如发狂的痉挛、恐怖的尖叫和精神恍惚的状态。The tight-knit community was at a loss to explain the convulsive seizures, horrific screaming, and trance-like states that tortured the youngsters.

那年轻人手指痉挛着,忽然力不能支似地跪倒在床前,阿夫里尼不忍再看这令人悲痛的情景,转过身去。The young man overwhelmed by the weight of his anguish, fell heavily on his knees before the bed, which his fingers grasped with convulsive energy.

结论硫喷妥钠可上调大脑皮质神经元的兴奋阈值,降低电抽搐治疗时的痉挛发作程度。Conclusion Thiopental sodium can increase the excitation threshold of brain cortical neurons and decrease the level of convulsive seizure induced by ECT.