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我从前是块木头,后来成了引火的干柴。I was a block of wood, I became a firebrand.

在2000年至2008年任总统期间,他就一直鼓动台湾独立。President in 2000-08, he was a firebrand for explicit independence.

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尽管外表脆弱,但乔卡丝塔·纽是绝地中著名的严师。Despite her frail appearance, Jocasta Nu was known as a firebrand among the Jedi.

没有人知道还有谁再敢雇佣他,因为他是个充满了愤恨的离经叛道者。No one who knows him dare employ him, for he is a regular firebrand of discontent.

史蒂夫在当时还处于火爆脾气的阶段,他把伐木工人吓唬了一顿,让他们大为气恼。Steve was still in his firebrand phase. He scared the timber folks and made them mad.

您好,八戒,我是来自雅典的火娃欢欢,我就象那冬天里的一把火,用熊熊火光燃烧了整个中国。Hi, I'm Huowa, comes from Athens, who lighted the whole China like the firebrand in winter.

卡兹曼还补充说,伊朗总统语调软化,反应了伊朗权力圈里正进行著范围更广的辩论。Katzman adds that the softer tone of Iran's firebrand president reflects a wider debate in Iranian power circles.

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离职后,他消失了几年,然后作为一个政治煽动家重新出现,在银河系散布叛乱的火种。After his departure, he disappeared for years, re-emerging as a political firebrand fanning the flames of rebellion in the galaxy.

实际上,选民已经在显示他们对有煽动性的民族主义者鼓吹阶级斗争,和国家干预经济这些论调的厌恶。Instead, voters are showing their distaste for firebrand nationalists who preachclass warfare and state intervention in the economy.

鲁尼对巴塞罗那踢得不好,在这个不错的赛季里没能画上一个圆满的句号。Rooney's uncharacteristcally quiet display against Barcelona meant a sour ending to an impressive club season for the firebrand striker.

这个激进的律师是人民党成员,他说,周一晚上当竞选结果逐渐清晰起来的时候,他的电话竟然神奇般的可以接通了。The firebrand lawyer, who is also a PPP member, said his phone was mysteriously reconnected on Monday night as the results started to stream in.

费舍曼指出,本拉登是个有魅力的煽动者,他的录像充满了修辞和富有诗意的词汇,很能吸引他的追随者。Fishman points out that bin Laden was a charismatic firebrand whose videos were compelling to his followers, full of rhetorical and poetic flourishes.

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在莫斯科,国会议员和民族主义狂热的弗拉基米尔日里诺夫斯基说,塔吉克语的法律的通过,将被视为对俄罗斯的敌意行为。In Moscow, lawmaker and nationalist firebrand Vladimir Zhirinovsky said adoption of the Tajik language law would be considered an act of hostility toward Russia.

这位善于煽动民众的领导人尚未公布他所患何种癌症,但说一个棒球大小的肿瘤已于6月20日在古巴动手术时从身体中取出。The firebrand leader has yet to state what kind of cancer he has but has said that a baseball-size tumor was removed from his body during a surgery in Cuba on June 20.

米兰体育报称,这名年轻的天才球员目前已经成功回归到穆里尼奥的阵容中了,并且他最近几周的艰苦训练给他的队友和教练留下了深刻印象。The young firebrand is back in the good books of Inter coach Jose Mourinho and has impressed senior teammates with his efforts in recent weeks, says Gazzetta dello Sport.

什叶派宗教团体,包括激进教士萨德尔领导的政党在选举中表现都不佳,但是他们表示要和其他党派组建联盟,来加强自己的势力。Shi'ite religious parties, including that of firebrand cleric Muqtada al-Sadr did not do so well, but insisted they would make alliances with other parties to strengthen their hand.

中美关系非常微妙,对华盛顿来说,中国是亚洲一股稳定的力量,它有能力与狂热的北朝鲜的金正日政府进行谈判。China’s relationship with the US is a delicate one. In Washington, China is a major stabilizing force in Asia, with powers to negotiate with the firebrand government of Kim Jong Il’s North Korea.

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通过彝族火把节游客期望和感知的分析,可看出现代民族节庆旅游中游客需求趋势。In this paper, based on an analysis of tourists' expectation and perception of the Firebrand Festival of the Yi ethnic group, the author argued that there is a strong demand for festival tourism.

卡尔代罗利是意大利北方联盟的一位政治领袖,他曾声称,自己有足够的经验可以照顾好那些刚出生的小狼,而且以前他还养过一只老虎。Calderoli, a firebrand leader of the populist Northern League party, told La Stampa daily earlier this week he had the experience needed to look after the wolf cubs and had previously kept a tiger.