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英国演员唐纳德·沃尔菲特爵士出生于诺丁汉郡。Sir Donald Wolfit, English actor, was born in Nottinghamshire.

诺丁汉矿工曾希望他们的矿井不会被关闭,但这些矿井在1985-1994年期间也大多被关闭。Nottinghamshire miners had hoped that their pits were safe, but they too were mostly closed in the 1985-1994 period.

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14个前美军化学武器基地包括南拉纳克郡的阿伯弗伊尔和诺丁汉郡的沃克索普。The 14 sites included two former US chemical weapons stores at Aberfoyle in South Lanarkshire and at Worksop in Nottinghamshire.

“笼中之怒”坐落在诺丁汉郡的布林斯莱小镇,在这里顾客可以在20分钟内用球棒,铁棍或是锤子打砸各式物品。Customers spend 20 minutes smashing items with either a baseball bat, crowbar or hammer at 'The Rage Cage' in Brinsley, Nottinghamshire.

第二天,诺丁汉郡警方发表了一份声明,只是说他们逮捕了一名70岁的诺丁汉男人,怀疑其实施了谋杀。Overnight, Nottinghamshire police issued a statement, simply saying they'd arrested a 70-year-old Nottingham man on suspicion of murder. Mr.

英国作家。生于诺丁汉郡矿工家庭。1912年与教授妻子弗莉达一见钟情,遂一起出走。British writer. Born in Nottinghamshire mining family . 1912 professor of years with his wife, Fu Lida love at first sight, gradually with the exodus.

Ratcliffe-on-Soar发电厂,一警察在与示威者的暴力扭打中受伤,事后被空运至医院。A police officer has been airlifted to hospital after being hurt during violent scuffles with activists at Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station in Nottinghamshire.

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她同时指出,在诺丁汉和肯特的发电站建筑工人们参与自发罢工,愤怒地抗议着“饭碗”都被外国人抢走了。Her intervention came as construction workers took part in wildcat strikes at power stations in Nottinghamshire and Kent, angry about jobs going to foreigners.

但对于总部设在英国诺丁汉郡的直邮专家的350名员工来说,它却是工作效率高低的主要区别。But for its headquarters in the United Kingdom Nottinghamshire from direct marketing expert and 350 employees are high and low productivity are the main differences.

彼得·哈维也因在英国诺丁汉曼斯菲尔德诸圣罗马天主教学校殴打其他两名学生受到警方询问。Peter Harvey is also being questioned about alleged assaults on two other students during a lesson at All Saints' Roman Catholic school in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.

根据国防部消息,贝德福德郡的莱斯利和诺丁汉郡的斯帕尔福德沃伦这些历史上曾用于销毁芥子气的地区,仍然禁止公众进入。According to the MoD, areas historically used for the disposal of mustard gas are still fenced off at Riseley in Bedfordshire and at Spalford Warren in Nottinghamshire.

诺丁汉市位于英格兰中部,诺丁汉郡首府,是英国仅次于伦敦的第二大贸易集散地。Nottingham Situated in the central part of England, Nottingham is the capital of Nottinghamshire and the second largest trade hub in the United Kingdom, just after London.