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提高食物的享受。Increased enjoyment of food.

现在他已没有其他的享受。He had now no other enjoyment.

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朦脓中做了很多自娱自乐的傻事。Dim pus did a lot of enjoyment.

作这件事是你真正的享受。You do it for the sheer enjoyment.

超越感官的艺术享受。Artistic enjoyment beyond the senses.

成功是这段旅程中的乐趣。Success is the enjoyment of the journey.

上帝创造了所有这些供我们享受。God created all of them for our enjoyment.

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我因在你的怀中而欢娱。I because of in yours bosom but enjoyment.

法律保障他们享受自己的权利。Laws protect the enjoyment of their rights.

第二个涉及享受的配给。In the second, the distribution of enjoyment.

拾光社,给你最高享受的极致体验。MEMORY STUDIO, gives you the highest enjoyment.

论到吃用,享福,谁能胜过我呢?for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?

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精选的京剧,京剧爱好者的听觉享受。Well-selected Beijing operas for your enjoyment.

他没有上进的理想,也没有贪图享受的奢望。He had no forwardly idea or desire for enjoyment.

每逢讲完一个笑话,这老人就呵呵笑着表示他的高兴。After each joke the old man cackled his enjoyment.

拥有蚕都牌蚕丝被才是人间最好的享受。Have human world's best enjoyment silk of Silkcity.

双鱼座爱人的性爱是纯粹的享受。Sex with Pisces lover is erotic and pure enjoyment.

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教育应该成为学生的一种享受吗?Should education be a sort of enjoyment to the leaners?

超宽屏幕电视机,超凡绝俗新享受。Extra-wide screen TV set. Novel enjoyment above the rest.

消费者享受的完满意味着生活的完满。The fullness of consumer enjoyment means fullness of life.