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那就是冰川,它遗下了什么。Thats the glacier whats left of it.

前面还有一座冰山。The glacier calved a large iceberg.

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冰川崩解而产生一个大冰山。The glacier calved a large iceberg.

收集彼得曼冰川的数据资料Data Collection on Petermann Glacier

冰川使许多大石块移位了。The glacier dislocated great stones.

冰川能够重新变回成蓬松的一团。A glacier can revert to a fluffy mass.

来自格陵兰岛黑尔海姆冰川的冰山Icebergs from Helheim Glacier in Greenland

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一条河流或冰川流向平原。A river or glacier debouches on the plains.

一群皇企鹅在大冰川旁晒着太阳。Of, relating to, or derived from a glacier.

狗雪橇营安置在阿拉斯加的朱诺冰川的顶上。Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.

一部分冰河川冲进了海洋。Part of the glacier is breaking into the sea.

土地是岩石加上热,或冰河的冲压。Soil is rock, plus heat, or glacier crushing.

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冰川留下的河床干干净净,就像被深层清洗过。A glacier with a deep washing from the river bed.

在阿拉斯加,他们刚以我老婆的名字命名一块大冰川。In Alaska they just named a glacier after my wife.

为什么松岛冰川融化得这么快呢?Why is the Pine Island Glacier melting so quickly?

冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses.

我翻寻到了凯文的冰川眼镜、不消再眯着眼睛了。I stop squinting and dig out Kevin's glacier glasses.

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冰川从一个碗状的冰斗开始向下滑动。From a bowl-shaped cirque, the glacier flows downhill.

格林兰的彼特曼冰川可能正在解体。Greenland's Petermann glacier could be disintegrating.

冰川生长出冰舌,其流动速度随之下降。the glacier tongue advances, and its flow speed drops.