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噢,爸爸,请把我带回家。Ooooh, Pa. Take me home.

也鱿不再容怕了。Also you no longer Rong Pa.

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你爹说的什么都对吗?Is whatever your pa say right?

这是pA星和pB星。So this is our pA star and pB star.

使得墙裂了缝,二人并肩都走得过。And makes ga even two can pa abreast.

我的小爸爸,您是怎么出来的?But how did you manage it, little pa?

曼奇内里现在51岁,住在宾夕法尼亚州。Mancinelli, 51, who lives in Hershey, Pa.

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除了他爸之外,没有人叫他查尔顿。No one called him Carlton, except his Pa.

对于PA,应行脓肿切开引流。Open drainage should be performed for PA.

你得记住,不管咋样你爸就是你爸。Remember, your Pa's your Pa no matter what.

晚上爸爸狠狠地说了他一顿。Pa gave him a good talking-to in the evening.

小女公爵伸出手来,等着他爸爸亲吻。The little duchess offered Pa her hand to kiss.

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“她想骑的,但是爷说骑那匹太危险了。”“She wants to, but Pa says he’s too dangerous.

青蛙妈妈正说着话,肚皮却啪一声裂开了。Frog mother is speaking, belly actually pa split.

在温度T下的分压为。PA Some partial pressure, p sub A, temperature T.

很快所有的乘客都凝视着窗外的景色。Soon all the pa engers were gazing out the windows.

劳驾了,嬷嬷,让我坐在这里,等爸爸回家来我再进屋去。Please, Mammy, and I’ll sit here till Pa comes home.

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我们临时为意外来到的客人搭了一个地铺。We made pa bed on the floor for the unexpected guest.

一个新的,看不见的声音从扩音机里嗡嗡地传来。A new, unseen voice was booming through the PA system.

霸需要由铁路拥有一个小商店的工作。Pa takes a job in a small store owned by the railroad.