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我想起孔子说的小人。I recall " flunky" named by Confucius.

这是一种奴才心理。This is psychology of a kind of flunky.

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他不过是党支部书记的跟屁虫。He is just a flunky of the Party secretary.

说道这里,我怎麽觉得自己是个势力小人啊。When I say this, I feel me like a snobbish flunky.

现在我终于可以亲身参与到这场“戏剧”中,即使是个跑龙套的。Now I would witness the drama unfold firsthand, albeit as a flunky.

当然,也有很多人认为他只不过是个因为嫉妒别人而揭短的小人物罢了。On the other hand, some people said he was just a flunky who is often envious of others.

黑屏警示盗版用户,Microsoft是“伪君子”还是“真小人”?Black screen cautioned piratic users, Does Microsoft is a "false man of honor" or "real flunky"?

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无论微软是真小人还是伪君子,他的黑屏举措都是大家不能接受的。Whether Microsoft is a "real man of honor" or "false flunky ", "Black screen" is unacceptable for us.

意识到自己的奴隶地位却又津津乐道地赞美这种地位的奴隶,是奴才、是帮凶、是无耻之徒!A slave ignorant of his servitude and happy to admire his servitude is a flunky , accomplice, and shameless person.

但是我们都知道,小人最难对付,挤走他会给你们今后的生活带来很多麻烦。The flunky is by far the more dangerous for us. So there will be much more trouble if you squeeze him out of the company.

另一个视频把韩国外长称为“亲美派走狗”,他应该通过为“五角大楼扫地”谋生。Another clip calls the South Korean foreign minister a "pro-American flunky" who should make his living by "mopping the floors of the Pentagon."

就这样一个对该计划有着非凡热情的编辑,再加上一个永久性单身并且有些愤世嫉俗,并怀着强烈的欲望要在报纸上开个新专栏的我。An editor with an evangelical enthusiasm for a project, and me, a perennially single and somewhat cynical relationship flunky with a lust for newsprint column inches.

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就在最新一轮会谈开始之前,本周中国发起了对达赖喇嘛恶意的言语攻击。Even before the latest talks began, China launched a vicious verbal attack on the Dalai Lama this week, denouncing him as a " flunky " and "the main manipulator" of violence in Tibet.