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莉莉一直都很好说话。Lily is always a happy camper.

399号曾在2007年袭击过一个露营者。No. 399 attacked a camper in 2007.

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我有一个26英尺的后拉式的野营车,I have a 26-foot, pull-behind camper

她在他住的活动屋里放了条黑曼巴。She put a black mamba in his camper.

露营者去搜寻柴木点火。The camper go forage for wood to make a fire.

这大牛,一说到吃的他就开心得不得了。Whenever food is the topic, Daniel becomes a happy camper.

露营者把两块木头捆在一起做成一张床。The camper lashed two pieces of wood together to make a bed.

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7月1日,我们坐上一辆露营车便从上海出发了。We loaded up a camper van and set out from Shanghai on July 1.

能非常理想的清洁你的船,甲板,汽车,宠物,运动鞋,登山鞋,野营和更多东西!Ideal for cleaning your boat, deck, car, pets, sports cleats , hiking boots, camper and more!

如果你是一个求知若渴的露营者或者是徒步旅行者,你应该在你的下次远足中锻炼一下建造一个容身之处。If you're an avid camper or hiker, you should practice building a shelter on your next excursion.

“我真是太高兴了,”露营王宫的特里·赫特说道,这位80岁的老人身着英国米字旗。"I'm top of the world, " said royal camper Terry Hutt, 80, decked out in patriotic Union Jack gear.

小型号可供选择的空间意识在头脑和野营可以压缩包装的时候。Small models are available with the space-conscious camper in mind and can be compressed when packed.

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那个周末,我们拿它来当桌布、睡袋,放在我的老伙计安迪的帐篷外面当地垫。That weekend we used it as a tablecloth, a sleeping bag, and a doormat outside of my buddy Andy's camper.

束手无策,凯伦只好在当地的房车公园租了一个狭小的露营车,作为和儿子乔暂时的栖息之地。At wit's end, Karen managed to rent a cramped camper at the local RV park for herself and five-year-old Joshua.

由于那是个初春的季节,当时他来到杂货店,所以我把他当成了往南去露营的人了。It was the beginning of spring, which is why, when he came into the store, I took him for a camper headed south.

他们发现一种混合物杀死了从幼虫到成虫的寄生虫。They found that one camper compound hear killed the parasite at every level of development-from laver larva to adult.

我决定起身到公共帐篷去,在那里可以找到其它的营员,说不定还能一起喝上一杯热茶。I decided to go to the main communal tent, where there would be the potential of a hot cup of tea with a fellow camper.

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多年来我就听说了比尔·多恩,我曾经和他面谈过,谈论关于扩大训练营的事。I had been hearing of Bill Doane for several years and invited him for an interview to expand outside the camper circle.

爆炸发生时赫姆斯·索罗曼正在附近一个假日公园的露营车里,他向美国之音讲述了他的体验。Hermes Soloman was in a camper van at nearby holiday park when the explosion struck, he told VOA News what he experienced.

因为膝伤小拜继续缺席接下来的七个礼拜,但是他的迅速成长使科比很高兴。Andrew Bynum He's out for the next seven weeks because of a knee injury, but his rapid development has made Kobe a happy camper.