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作为他们的供应商名册。UNGM as their supplier roster.

最后的名单将于晚些时候公布。The final roster will be announced later.

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这使得湖人队只有11人可以打球。That leaves the Lakers with an 11-man roster.

全体参议员扮演陪审团的角色。The entire roster of senators acts as a jury.

他必须要来因为他在40人名单上。He has to be because he's on the 40-man roster.

毕竟,他是湖人阵中唯一的新人。He is, after all, the only newcomer to the roster.

管理电脑室内工作人员的值班表。Managing computer lab's student helper duty roster.

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这是我在马雅渡假村里的池子拍的莲花。I got these Photos of loutas in Maya Roster VIllage.

七监察人名册及监察人会议纪录。Supervisors' roster and minutes of supervisors' meeting.

于是学校将他的名字从学生的花名程。So the school cut off his name from the students' roster.

教练从选手名单上勾掉了3个名字。The coach scratched three names from the players' roster.

约翰认为他们没有一个充足的铺地石名册。John doesn't think they have a deep enough pitching roster.

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只有马刺能接近小牛阵容的深度。Only the Spurs can approach the depth of the Mavericks' roster.

只有9个人打球的火箭,怎么能在季候赛中应求呢?How can you win in the playoff with a 9-man roster?Be bold, coach.

这是开放源码参与者和创新者的一个全名星队。This is a stellar roster of open source committers and innovators.

我敢打赌,今年俱乐部的花名册将会变得更长。And it’s a fairly safe bet that the roster will grow even longer this year.

去年休斯在大联盟半个球季,小甘九月一日初登板。Last year, Hughes was on the major-league roster for about half the season.

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当时的想法是,越大的成员名单也就意味着越大的影响力和公信力。The idea was that a bigger roster would mean greater influence and credibility.

相较于任何新近版本,这一次的球员名单更具深度,更有天分,也更见希望。The roster is deeper, more talented and more promising than any recent edition.

每支球队在10月份举办一个训练营以确定它的12名运动员名单。Each team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12- player roster.