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它是生命意识的新的形态,体现出感性与理性的统一。It acted as the unification of logos and geist.

你知道有时在镜片上看到的泡泡印是怎么回事吗?Geist. 'You know those bubbles you sometimes see on your lens?

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我读过的浮士德中,撒旦是一个黑色圣灵。I had read of Satan as der Geist der stets verneint, the Spirit of Negation.

不过,说来说去,给我感性认识的,还数那个“枕头”。But then, tell the truth, give me a knowledge of geist should be that " Pillow ".

“一旦第一波波浪到达海岸线,情况就会变得非常复杂,”Geist博士说。“Once the first wave hits the coastline, it gets very complicated, ” Dr. Geist said.

Geist在明尼苏达的罗彻斯特的大街上巡逻,帮助流浪汉和其他需要援助的人。Geist aids the homeless and others in need and patrols the streets of Rochester, Minnesota.

目前我们一些从事学生品德教育的人员大多局限于“知其然不知其所以然”的感性认识阶段。At present some of people who are engaged of students' moral education are mostly limited to be geist stage.

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辛诺拉基斯、盖斯特与狄托夫分别在海啸研究的领域上各有专攻。COSTAS E. SYNOLAKIS, ERIC L. GEIST and VASILY V. TITOV bring various types of expertise to the study of tsunamis.

最后提出了通过实现推理过程不确定性来模拟人类感性的设想。In the end this paper gave a assumption that we can simulate the human's geist by implementing the uncertain reasoning process.

建构和谐社会应该实现感性和理性的辩证统一,养成现代、科学的思维方式。We should achieve the unification of the geist and the logos, and we should build up the modern and scientific thinking fashion.

不过,说来说去,给我感性认识的,还数那个“枕头”。“枕头”也同样是肥肥的男生,但是同样也是我可以接受的那种肥。But then, tell the truth, give me a knowledge of geist should be that "Pillow ". "Pillow "is a fat boy also, still can be accepted.

音乐存在的感性特征―运动性、表演性、聆听性都浑然地体现在表情性、自娱性与空灵性中。The geist characteristic of the music existence-the motility, performance, listening respectfully are completely showed in expression, amusement and vacancy.

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第五部分对人类感性需求向法治理性规则的质变进行探索,并对中国法治建设过程中存在的问题进行检讨。Part Five explores the qualitative change from human geist to rational rules of Rule by law, and reviews the questions existing in Chinese legal construction.

在黑格尔看来上帝是内在的,并为我们理解历史的过程就是灵魂认知自身的过程,看起来我们都是灵魂或上帝的一部分。For Hegel God is immanent and when we have understood that history is the process of Geist coming to know itself it appears that we are all part of Geist , or God.

Geis相信C-60法案将会复制美国的版权立法,而不会公平的权衡版权所有者和普通消费者之间的利益。Geist believed that Bill C-60 would have effectively duplicated American copyright legislation and created an unfair imbalance between copyright holders and general consumers.

探讨了如何合理利用信息技术便利地展现感性材料,创设最佳情境,从而获得最佳的教学效果。This article researches how to rationally use informational technology so as to expediently show geist materials and create the best scene and obtain the best educational effect.

保罗·高更是19世纪法国后印象主义绘画代表人物,他用感性的方法去观察自然、解释自然,形成了自己的艺术美学观。Paul Ganguin was a French representative of impressionism painting in 19th Century. With geist way, he formed his own art aesthetics through observation and explanation of nature.

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Geist称自己是“做不寻常事的真人,希望把他的家乡明尼苏达的罗彻斯特变成更美好、友善、安全的地方。Geist describes himself as "a real person doing something out of the ordinary and somewhat unorthodox to attempt to make my city of Rochester, Minnesota a better, kinder and safer place.