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我们也不知道这些动物物种联系的时间表。Nor do we have an idea as to the timing of these faunal connections.

动物群落与沉积环境有直接关系。Faunal assemblage are directly related to the depositional environment.

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在列非尼动物保护中心,一只小猩猩紧紧抓住护理照料人员的手。A baby gorilla grasps the hand of a caregiver at the Lefini Faunal Reserve.

对中国目前已知的132种跳小蜂的区系进行了初步分析。This paper deals with the faunal analysis of 132 species of encyrtids in China.

收藏地质样品、物区系的资料、物学的样品和沉积样品。Collect geological samples, faunal materials, botanical specimens, and sediments samples.

结论为长白山吸血蠓的区系分布研究提供了依据。Conclusion Base is given for faunal distribution of blood-sucking midges from Changbaishan of China.

结论为东北3省吸血蠓的区系分布研究提供了依据。Conclusion Basis is given for faunal distriction on bloodsucking midges in 3 provinces of Northeast China.

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研究中国典型地带土壤原生动物区系特征和物种分布。Faunal characteristics and distribution of species of soil protozoa in 6 typical zones of China were studied.

对它们的种类分布、种群数量、区系与生态分布特点进行了分析。This paper analyzes their species distribution, population size and faunal and ecological distribution characteristics.

本次调查为珠海口岸地区鼠类携带寄生虫的区系及种类组成研究提供了依据。Base is given for further studies on faunal distribution and species composition of rodent ectoparasites in Zhuhai Port.

结论为东北3省恙螨的区系分布研究提供了依据。Conclusion This study provided the basis of faunal distribution study of chigger mites from 3 provinces of Northeast China.

很多情况下人类不合理的开发利用使导致了动植物资源种类的减少甚至灭绝。Without knowing the proper utilization of certain resources they are destroyed and floral and faunal species are becoming extinct.

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结论为东北中俄边境地区蚊虫的区系和生态研究提供了依据。Conclusion Basis of faunal distribution and ecological studies of mosquitoes in frontiers of Russia and Northeast China were provided.

论述了二滩库区及相邻江段的鱼类区系组成及其特点。The faunal composition, characteristics, evolution and development of the Fishes in Ertan Reservois and nearby river area are discussed.

本文报告了东北中俄边境地区吸血双翅目昆虫的区系分布调查结果。The results are reported in this paper of faunal investigation of blood-sucking diptera insect in frontiers of Russia and Northeast China.

该库数据为花粉和动物区系数据提供了有价值的补充,将能用于改造地球的陆地环境。Plant macrofossil data provide a valuable complement to pollen and faunal data that can be used to reconstruct the terrestrial environment.

本文系从昆虫生态地理角度,论述了广西昆虫的区系结构、分布特点和规律,探讨了广西昆虫地理区划。The faunal structure, characters of distribution and geographic division in Guangxi are discussed from the viewpoint of insect ecogeography.

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间带不同性质的底质中,介形虫动物群的特征和生态分布各不相同。Ostracod faunal characteristics and ecological distribution are diverse from each other in different qualitative substrates of the tidal zone.

按分类次序列出名录,并对这些害虫进行了区系分析,从而明确其在区系结构上的一些特点。This paper has listed out a catalogue from the faunal analysis, so as to give a better understanding of the characters of their faunal structure.

于1997~1999年对青海祁连地区不同生境类型中蝴蝶多样性进行了研究。The faunal composition of butterflies in different habitat types in the Qilian area of Qinghai Province, northwest China, was surveyed from 1997 to 1999.