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他复员以前是一名炊事员。He was a cook before his demobilization.

为最终解散民兵组织做出规划并提供资金。Plan and fund eventual demobilization program for militias.

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1983年,其所在部队解散,任正非在那次大裁军中被迫复员。In 1983 the corps was disbanded, and he was let go as part of a mass demobilization.

探家复员时重逢的泪水是,是对母亲的思念。Home visits when the meet again tears demobilization yes, yes right mother's thoughts.

但是,从经济角度来说,军人复员转业并不会让我们停留在与遣散之前的经济状态。But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before it started.

本文旨在拓展对中华人民共和国军队干部转业历史的研究。This paper aims at expanding the scope of studies on the history of demobilization of PRC army officers.

复员下放到了成都机床厂当工人,使我从事业的最高峰跌落到了人生的低谷。Demobilization decentralized machine tool plant in Chengdu when the workers made me fall from the peak to the cause of the low life.

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布隆迪政府在2004年成立了一个委员会,负责监督少年兵遣散和帮助他们重新融入社会的问题。The government established a Commission in 2004 to oversee the demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers into civil society.

退伍经常在12月进行,从11月末开始对一些退伍兵进行运送。Demobilization of soldiers would often occur in December, with transportation of some demobilized soldiers beginning in late November.

复员下放到了成都亚光电工厂当工人,使他从事业的最高峰跌落到了人生的低谷。Demobilization decentralized sub-optical factory in Chengdu when the workers, so that he fell from the peak to the cause of the low life.

假如雅虎员工因公司控制权发生变化而被裁员,将可以获得更多遣散费用。If Yahoo staff on business manages control counterpoises to produce change and be papered cutter, will OK obtain more demobilization fee.

必须谨慎地进行此项复员工作,使复员军人回到家乡安心生产。This demobilization must be carried out carefully so as to enable the demobilized soldiers to return home and settle down to productive work.

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尽管如此,仍有一些需要解决,其中,复员和超过19,000名士兵武装毛派根本的政治争端。Nonetheless, there are still some fundamental political disputes to be addressed, among them the demobilization and disarming of more than 19,000 Maoist soldiers.

在内战的这一大背景下,教育复员的最终结果与教育界人士的最初期望值差距甚大。Under the big background of civil war, the final outcome of educational demobilization had many distances compared with the image of educational circles at first.

这些总数未知的人武部干事负责解放军的征募和复员工作,同时也负责指挥地方民兵组织。These PAFD personnel, whose total numbers are not known, are responsible for conscription and demobilization in support of the PLA as well as commanding local militia units.

如果更换灾难反应援救队人员,请确认完整传递简化部门的操作知识。并制定出足够的时间来进行交接。Ensure a complete transfer of knowledge of the operation of the contracting function if replaced prior to the demobilization of the team. Plan enough time for the transition.

复员和自新计划的经验表明,少年兵可以通过职业培训以及医疗和心理支持,重新构建他们的生活。Experience with demobilization and rehabilitation programs shows that young combatants can reconstruct their lives with job training and also medical and psychological support.

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其他预算外进项来源包括来自中央和地方用于防卫动员的准备工作、征兵以及复员安排的资金。Other sources of extra-budgetary income include funds from the central government and local governments for defense mobilization preparations, conscription, and demobilization.

本文将主要考察1950年—1958年这9年间,河北省在退伍军人安置工作方面的历史,阐述在这项工作之中所做的努力和取得的成就。This thesis will mainly examine the 8 years in 1950—1958, Hebei Province resettlement work in the demobilization of the history, expounded in this work of the efforts and achievements.

海外项目钻机遣散和动员是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及的部门、人员和资料多,组织协调难度大。Demobilization and mobilization of drilling rig of overseas project is complex system engineering, involving many departments and persons and information as well as hard organization and coordination.