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在这之前采用的则是放血和水蛭疗法。Before that bloodletting and leaches were used.

相比于给经济放血,它看起来更热衷于给它输血。It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting.

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他的极端行为激起了欧洲放血医师的警觉和恐慌。His extreme practices aroused the alarm and horror of European bloodletting physicians.

奥拉?辛是一位形象简洁的人形异族人,肤色苍白,长长的手指沾满猎物的鲜血。Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid alien with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers.

今天的一点小小的受伤将能避免那个孩子在明天遭受难以想象的罪过。Some minor bloodletting today could spare that child unthinkable degrees of suffering tomorrow.

目的观察清肺消痤饮加减煎服联合阿达帕林凝胶外涂治疗肺经风热型痤疮的疗效。Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Xiaocuo decoction and ear acupoint bloodletting on acne vulgaris.

在流血之后欧洲的经营和贫民失去了对战争的兴趣,梅特涅的时代开始了。After the bloodletting the elites and populace of Europe had little taste for war, and the Age of Metternich commenced.

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法定传染病。包含艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、乙肝等,这些疾病可以通过抽血排查。Legal contagion. Including AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, such as hepatitis b, these diseases can be examined by bloodletting.

目的观察刺络拔罐疗法对高黏血症患者的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of pricking-cupping bloodletting method in treating hyperviscosemia patients.

挑擦放寒方法为西北普遍流行的民间刺络放血法之一。The pricking and rubbing methods is one of the collateral pricking bloodletting methods popular in the northwest Chinese folk.

严重者,需多次施用静脉放血疗法,防止血色病的发生。Serious person, need employ vein for many times to bloodletting therapeutics, prevent the happening of disease of redness of skin.

十八世纪,强国之间的战争,完全不同于先前平民的流血冲突The great power struggles of the eighteenth century would be very different than this bloodletting of civilians that had preceded it.

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方法抽血室配置计算机与检验科联网,实行资源共享,患者的检验报告由抽血室护士直接调用、打印。Methods To equip computers and lab internet in the bloodletting room, and share resource, nurses can transfer and print the lab report for patients.

卢克索在1997年曾是一次重大恐怖袭击的发生地,当时约60位欧洲游客在一次可怕的流血事件中被反西方枪手屠杀。Luxor was the site of a major terrorist attack in 1997, in which some 60 European tourists were massacred by anti-Western gunmen in a horrific bloodletting.

而我扁鹊治病,是治病于病情严重之时。一般人都看到我在经脉上穿针管来放血、在皮肤上敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels or applying medical ointment on the skin, and thus look upon me as well versed in medicine.

马总统呼吁国人对于股市重挫勿过度反应,强调国内的经济基本面相当健全。President Ma urged the country not to over-react in the face of this massive bloodletting on the stock exchange, emphasizing that the fundamentals of the economy is quite sound.

刺血拔罐两者合用可达到活血消肿、通络止痛、祛湿逐寒之目的。The result of this article show that cupping with bloodletting can promote blood circulation and alleviate edema dredge the channels and collaterals to relieve pain, expel the cold and dampness.