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接手示意他投弧线球。The catcher signaled him to swerve.

不然,他们是悖谬的民众。Nay, they are a people who swerve from justice.

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想起过去,路上─个小坑坑我也会想办法绕开。Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.

这一次至少可以说带着疑问的职业转向,是经过一番痛苦的反省才决定的。It was, to say the least, a questionable career swerve.

它可以是一段坡度陡峭但安静公路的急转弯。It could be a swerve from a steep and quiet stretch of road.

他猛地将车头转向左边,这才保住了马隆的性命。He swung the car to the left and that swerve saved Malone's life.

她感谢她的同伴没有诱使她脱离正轨。She was grateful to her companion for not tempting her to swerve.

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司机有足够的时间刹车或急转弯,来避开那个女人。The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman.

书生突然把车向左转,而这一举动挽救了他的性命。Shusheng swerved the car to the left and that swerve saved his life.

尽管如此,更有可能发生的情况是,两党会找到一条绕开这道障碍的道路。More likely, though, a way will be found to swerve round that obstacle.

年轻时查尔顿的看家本领是快速的奔跑和身体变向。The young Charlton's greatest strengths were his speed and body swerve.

听到“砰“的一声之后他再转回路上正常行驶。There would be a loud "thud", and then he would swerve back on the road.

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在斗鸡博弈中,一方或双方参与人可以随时转向以避免灾难。In a game of chicken, one or both drivers can swerve to avoid catastrophe.

这是他那个世纪的风气,他一点也不越规。That had been the fashion of his century, and he would not swerve from it.

即使骑车人赶紧转弯想避开,也难免被撞到。Even when bickers swerve to avoid doors, they can end up getting hit by cars.

每当他看见有律师在路边走,他就会调转车头撞过去。Every time he saw a lawyer walking along the road, he would swerve to hit him.

您必须绕过前进路上的每一块小石块,牢记各请求的状态。You have to swerve around each tiny rock in your path, remembering state with each request.

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罚点球时,肖罗克一个弧线球将球踢进右上角。Shorrock took the penalty kick making the ball swerve into the top right-hand corner of the net.

等我回过神来的时候猛打方向盘勉强躲过了消火栓,但是没有躲过大树。When I looked back at the road, I had just enough time to swerve to miss the fire hydrant but not the tree.

进行了空速保持、高度保持、航向保持和转弯控制等控制律的详细分析。The control principle of airspeed keeping, altitude keeping, course keeping and swerve control is analyzed, too.