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网络警察。Network Police.

艾警官!Moxa police officer!

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这是警察临检。This is a police raid.

警察被召来了。The police were called.

警方正在追缉我。The police are after me.

我们联系了警方。We contacted the police.

只对萨凡纳警方说过。Just the Savannah police.

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警察抓住了小偷。The police got the thief.

先生是个密探吧?Are you a police spy, sir?

警察抓了一个小偷。The police caught a thief.

警方侦查出一名间谍。The police detected a spy.

然后他告之警方。Then he called the police.

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然后她给警察打了个电话。Then she called the police.

叫警察来评理啊!Call the police to judge ah!

他与警察相处得很好。He stood in with the police.

警察中的神枪手开了火。Police marksmen opened fire.

法官严厉指责警察。The judge rapped the police.

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警察也无能为力。The police could do nothing.

他企图贿赂警方。He tried to suborn the police.

他被警察盯梢。He was shadowed by the police.