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那么是您叫巴斯克不要生火的?Was it you who told Basque not to make a fire then?

我想巴斯克客厅里需要扶手椅吧!I think that Basque needed the chairs for the drawing-room.

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实际上,巴斯克地区恐怖主义组织ETA的诞生正是源于这场镇压。Indeed, the Basque terrorist group ETA was born of this repression.

巴斯克进来,把一支燃着的蜡烛放在炉架上又走了。Basque returned, set a lighted candle on the chimney-piece and retired.

所有的巴斯克民族主义者曾呼吁废除1978年宪法。Basque nationalists of all stripes called for a rejection of the 1978 constitution.

在诋毁巴斯克民族主义者名声这一点上,没人比ETA做得更好。No one had done a better job than ETA at discrediting the Basque nationalist cause.

阿隆索在2004年从巴斯克地区俱乐部皇家社会队转会到利物浦。Alonso signed for Liverpool in 2004 from Basque Country-based Spanish side Real Sociedad.

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早年巴斯克猎鲸者看到它们攻击其它鲸鱼时,称它们为杀人鲸。Early Basque whalers called them whale killers when they saw them attacking other whales.

冉阿让向他指着自己吊着绷带的手臂,托他解释他缺席的原因,就出去了。Jean Valjean pointed to his arm in its sling, charged Basque to explain his absence, and went away.

巴斯克和妮珂莱特魂不附体,当时只注意血流满面的年轻的主人。Basque and Nicolette, all in a flutter, had looked only at their young master all covered with blood.

巴斯克附近至少有12家天体主义者海滩,在整个西班牙海岸还会有更多。There are at least 12 naturist beaches in the Basque region, and many more all over the Spanish coast.

巴斯克地区自由万岁!巴斯克社会主义万岁!在独立与社会主义来临之前永不止息!Long live the free Euskal Herria! Long live Basque socialism! No rest until independence and socialism!

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埃塔组织企图实现西班牙北部四省之一的Basque和法国西南部分地区独立。Eta wants a single Basque state made up of four northern Spanish provinces and part of south-west France.

最后,埃塔号召巴斯克社会投身于这项进程之中,直到实现自由与和平。Lastly, Eta calls upon the Basque society to commit to this process until freedom and peace are achieved.

会后,黄惠康还接受了中国中央电视台、西班牙巴斯克电视台的专访。After the briefing, Huang also accepted exclusive interviews with CCTV and the Basque Television of Spain.

洪达日比亚市坐落于西班牙东海岸巴斯克地区的吉普斯夸。The municipality of Hondarribia is nestled in Guipuzcoa, in the Basque Country on the east coast of Spain.

该国的舞蹈种类繁多,主要的有博雷罗舞、佛拉门哥舞、凡丹文舞、巴斯克舞等等。The wide range of dance, and they are Borrero dance, flamenco dance, where Devon dance, dance, etc. Basque.

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冉阿让低着头,下巴垂在胸口上,没有看见巴斯克,也没看见蜡烛。Jean Valjean, his head drooping and his chin resting on his breast, perceived neither Basque nor the candle.

过去四十年来,埃塔组织建立独立的巴斯克国家而战斗,造成820多人死亡。Eta is blamed for the deaths of more than 820 people in its 40-year campaign for an independent Basque nation.

在加利西亚和巴斯克的地方选举遭受惨败后,社会党行动了。After the party was trounced in regional elections in Galicia and the Basque country on September 25th, they acted.