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选择调度程序链接。Select the dispatcher link.

调度程序流程检查间隔Dispatcher process check interval

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设置正确的调度程序位置。Set the correct dispatcher location.

她想找一个调度员的工作。She's hoping to get a dispatcher job.

那个调度员加紧调车。The dispatcher to intensify shunting.

那个多嘴婆!完了,全西雅图都知道了。The dispatcher? All of Seattle knows!

他是电车公司的调度。He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.

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这是一个标准的请求分配器包含。This is a standard request dispatcher include.

调度员问."Did you get rid of it?" asked the dispatcher.

“这个火从1跳到15”调度员说。"The fire has jumped I-15, " the dispatcher said.

您可以使用在每个组件中出现的分发器。You can use the dispatcher that comes in each component.

每个分配器最多可处理几百个连接。Each dispatcher can handle up to a few hundred connections.

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我只是想知道他的名字。I just want to know his name, " Dudash told the dispatcher.

莱特西做911调度员已经接近20年了。Mr. Lightsey has been a 911 dispatcher for nearly 20 years.

将单个较大的作业提交给计算网格中的作业分配器。A large, single job is submitted to the Job Dispatcher in Compute Grid.

向您的系统管理员询问应该使用的调度程序位置。Ask your administrator for the dispatcher location that should be used.

分配器还提供基本的基于内容的路由功能。The dispatcher also provides basic content-based routing functionality.

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“那你为什么还在开车?你就不能把车靠边儿停下?”调度员问她。"Why are you driving? Can you pull over somewhere?" asked the dispatcher.

简单调度程序网络测试的可能结果代码和描述。Possible result codes and descriptions of simple dispatcher network tests.

通过分析水压机分配器的工作原理和结构。Working principle and structure of dispatcher of water press was analyzed.