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如镜返照你的荣光。As a glass reflecting Thy glory.

勾起我对很久以前的记忆。Reflecting memories of long ago.

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舞动倒映水中彩霞。Choi Ha dance reflecting the water.

然而,该项声明是值得反思的。Still, the announcement is worth reflecting on.

反射入射光的仅一小部分的。Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.

我能感到那些能量波在不断地反射回我体内。I can feel the thought energy reflecting back to me.

文学,与其说是生活的倒影,不如说是折射。Literature, instead of reflecting life, refracts it.

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我们找到了一种共同点。we start reflecting on that as a way to collaborate.

伊萨克·牛顿在1668年发明了反射望远镜。Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope in 1668.

这样一对反射面通常称为标准具。Pairs of such reflecting surfaces are known as etalons.

恬静的倒影池和蓝色的-平铺的清真寺在伊朗。Tranquil reflecting pool and blue-tiled mosque in Iran.

中央区涂复了一层反射膜。The central zone is sputtered with a reflecting coating.

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我公司长期供应反光背心。Longrun supply reflecting light undershirt of our company.

这些市场所反映的复苏,是不存在的。These markets are reflecting a recovery that is not there.

读书不加忖量,好像吃东西不经消化。Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

以上大多是在共同收获的时候思考的结果。The above is mostly reflecting on the collective harvesting.

那个裸体女孩坐在池塘边,身上反射出一片清冷的月光。The naked girl sat beside a pond reflecting a slice of moon.

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日夜地图,反映了一天的部分是你需要在城里。Day-night map, reflecting part of the day is in town you need.

现在,我比过去更能深刻地观照我的教育工作。I am reflecting on my work at a deeper level than ever before.

大镜子每天成百上千次的反射出他的身体,马桶有扶手和靠背供倚靠,有宝座那么高。And big mirrors all round reflecting his body a thousand times.