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夜晚当头明月和禅。Moonlight and dhyana against head.

宗杲的禅学思想并非无源之水。Zonggao's ideology on Dhyana is not water without a source.

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它对以禅喻诗习气的形成具有先导作用。Besides, it led to the formation of the "comparing poems to Dhyana" habit.

然后是制感,内醒、静虑和三摩地,这是最后四个步骤。Then come pratyahara, dahrana, dhyana and samadhi, which are the final four.

这些修习将会引发“制感”,并最终把人导向内醒、静虑和三摩地。These practices will induce pratyahara and lead into dharana, dhyana and Samadhi.

此文尚是一个开端,冀有俾益于此书及相关禅宗文献的研究向纵深发展。I hope this paper will beneficial to the study of the documents about the dhyana sect.

印度僧人达摩东渡来华,带来了印度传统的禅法。It is Damo, an Indian monk, who introduced the traditional Dhyana in India into China.

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当然,行者也可以经由熟悉此类的仪轨而在定上长进。Of course, one can still advance in Dhyana through familiarity with this kind of rituals.

山水词的形成与发展在一定程度上受到了禅宗的启示与影响。The formation and development of Landscape-Ci were effected by dhyana sect to some degree.

高级形态的最典型的宗派是禅宗,禅宗是最具中国特色的宗派。The eastern Hunan sect made great contributions to the formation of the five sects of Dhyana.

就连父权意味颇浓的封禅,其实最早也应是祭祀女神的。Even the conferment of dhyana which implies patriarchy originates from offering sacrifices to goddess.

瑜伽、劝制、坐法、调息、制感、执持、禅定、以及三摩地,是练习瑜伽的八大步骤。Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana , and Samadhi are the eight limbs of yoga.

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最早提出以看话头悟道的是黄檗希运,之后有五祖法演再次倡导。The first advocate of Kanhua Dhyana is Xiyun in Mountain Huangbo, as well as Fayan in Mountain Wuzu later.

中国的禅宗凝聚了中国古代文人的灵感与智慧。Chinese Dhyana embodies a concentracted reflection of the inspiration and intelligence of Chinese literati.

她是中国汉传密学研究院动禅陀罗尼副督导。She is the vice-supervisor of Dynamic Dharani Action Dhyana of Chinese Han Transmission Esotericism Academy.

董其昌不可怠慢,马上拿起大毛笔,在一字旁边写下“览楼”和旁款。Dhyana is not always immediately picked up a large brush, in a Word table next to the words "and next to a payment."

然而在你的意识型态中,你能够抛下这一切根深蒂固的传统观念,专心一致的去修禅定吗?In your consciousness, Can you desert the deep-root traditional concepts to put your heart into Dhyana concentration?

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本文论述由以禅入诗、以禅喻诗到妙悟之说,其间创造了中国古代诗歌与批评史上一次双赢的沟通。This article talks about mutual interaction from the infiltration of Dhyana into poetry in Chinese ancient poetry and its critics.

宣化上人说,修打坐禅定的人,修到呼吸也断了,就可以进入二禅天。According to Master Hsuan Hua, those practicing sitting in meditation can enter the second Dhyana when they no longer need breathing.

舒缓学习、生活和工作中带来的压力,达到画禅一如的境界。Chinese brush painting also enhances positive energy in our daily working and learning environment which ultimately reaches the stage of Dhyana.