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现在我上勾了。Now I'm hooked.

他们知道我们已经入迷。They know we're hooked.

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他天生是鹰钩鼻。He was born a hooked nose.

他天生是鹰钩鼻。A. He am born a hooked nose.

而且我迷上了小说。And I was hooked on fiction.

一根刺儿挂着了我的衬衣。My shirt got hooked on a thorn.

他把两头牛套到大车上。He hooked two oxen up to the cart.

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线路工人已把电话装好并接通。The wireman hooked up a telephone.

好吧,我承认,我对咖啡因有点上瘾了。I admit it. I’m hooked on caffeine.

听说你钓了一个有钱的蠢货。I heard you hooked up a rich idiot.

他套好车又上路了。He hooked up and hit the road again.

我上周钓到了一条20磅重的三文鱼。I hooked a 20-pound salmon last week.

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我一周前才和他勾搭上的。I only hooked up with him a week ago.

她用钩子将鞋从水里钩了起来。She hooked the shoe out of the water.

浮现于我钩状的脑袋和钩状的爪子间Between my hooked head and hooked feet

那是我钓到的最大的狗鱼。It was the biggest pike I ever hooked.

他受引诱买下了十箱饮料。He was hooked to buy 10 boxes of drink.

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他们套好车驰往草地。They hooked up and drove to the meadow.

人们经常说被“电视钩住”了。People often refer to being "hooked on TV."

已把查道车挂在机车上了。The trolly has been hooked onto the engine.