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他是一个骑兵。He is a cavalryman.

几名步兵相当于一名骑兵?How many infantrymen are equivalent to one cavalryman?

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喂,年轻的骑兵,怎么样了?您觉得我的秃鼻乌鸦不错吧?Well, young cavalryman , how is my Rook doing for you?

他在美军中是个好骑兵和剑手。He was a good cavalryman and swordsman in the U. S. A. Army.

汉朝骑兵是从生活在边疆的百姓中挑选出的。Han cavalryman were drawn from Chinese living on the frontiers.

马拉松是一片平原,因此特别适合波斯骑兵作战。The marathon is a stretch of plain, so especially suitable for a Persian cavalryman and fight.

用骑兵与步兵战斗,一名骑兵相当于几名步兵?When cavalry and infantry engage in battle, one cavalryman is equivalent to how many infantrymen?

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骑在马上直剑进行冲杀对于重骑兵而言易如反掌,可以他们很少这样做,两个原因。Although such situation gave advantage to the heavy cavalryman he rarely used it. There were two reasons for this.

因此车骑使用不恰当,在战斗中一名骑兵还不能抵挡一名步兵。Thus when chariots and cavalry are not engaged in battle with the enemy, one cavalryman is not able to equal one foot soldier.

高马鞍和双马镫的应用导致了骑兵战术的新变化,使得重装骑兵成为可能。The use of the high saddle and double stirrup caused the new change in cavalry tactics. The cavalryman in heavy equipment became possible.

最初,我大约拥有三万精锐骑兵和十余名将领,这个时间大概是公元194年7月,我开始努力治理我的国家,我的势力变得快速的成长。At first, I have thirty thousand cavalryman and ten general. This time is A. D. 194 year 7 month. I begin endeavor to father my country. My force grow up very fast.