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他以微弱的声音作无力的辩解。He bleated out a feeble excuse.

从隔邻房间里传来低弱的叫嚷声。A feeble cry came from the next room.

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他那软弱的胳臂没力气地放了下来。His feeble arm dropped powerless down.

他那软弱的胳臂没力气地放了下来。His feeble arm dropped powerlessly down.

有的党组织软弱涣散。Some Party organizations are feeble and lax.

那燃烧的火种也渐渐微弱,冷却了。And the seed of the fire gets feeble and cold.

他用他的两个瘦胳臂抱住她,抽泣着He clasped her in his two feeble arms, sobbing

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一阵若有若无的颤动表明这些蘑菇是安全可食用的。A feeble tremor indicates that it's safe to eat.

“能的,能的!”格雷丝有点不耐烦地说道。"Oh yes, yes! " said Grace with feeble impatience.

他在大获全胜之际,看起来是多么虚弱和苍白啊!How feeble and pale he looked, amid all his triumph!

梅里克先生的父亲身体非常虚弱,来不了。Mr. Merrick's father is very feeble and can't be about.

他在玻璃窗上极轻地敲了一下。He tapped on the pane with a very small and feeble knock.

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你们应加强痿弱的手,坚固颤动的膝。Strengthen ye the feeble hands, and confirm the weak knees.

一切正常吗?“玛丽安娜用很弱的声音问护士。"Is it okay?" Maryanne asked the nurse in a feeble voice. "

如果不强或气味浓郁,酒被认为是“软弱”。If not strong or flavorful , the wine is considered "feeble".

忽然,她唱了起来,歌声微弱,就象嘘气一样。All at once she began to sing in a voice as feeble as a breath.

仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,我们还要继续支持他。It's not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.

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在上帝面前,这些神祗虚弱不堪。All these were completely feeble in the presence of Almighty God.

仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,还要在他站起来之后支持他。It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.

仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,还要在他站起来之后支持他。DIt is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.