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从现在开始,我可以经常见到班吉姆先生了。From now I began constantly to meet Bankim Babu.

晚上,阿戈尔先生来教我们英文。In the evening Aghore Babu came for our English lessons.

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我们学校的戈文达先生是一位皮肤黝黑的矮胖子。Gobinda Babu of our school was very dark, and short and fat.

我的那些不讲规则的诗歌,唯一的聆听者便是阿克什先生。The only listener I had for these erratic poems of mine was Akshay Babu.

此时,我极想成为维哈里先生那样的诗人。At the time the height of my ambition was to become a poet like Vihari Babu.

我渴望听到它们真正的歌调,学会它们,并且唱给阿克什先生听。I longed to hear the real tunes, to learn them, and sing them to Akshay Babu.

班吉姆先生成为了会员,但我不敢说他对学会的活动有多大的兴趣。Bankim Babu became a member, but I cannot say that he took much interest in the work.

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但令人奇怪的是拿巴戈帕尔先生不以为然---相反,他笑了起来!But curiously enough Nabagopal Babu did not succumb to it--on the contrary he smiled!

如果我没有记错,这也是班吉姆先生的功劳,是他把萨沙达尔介绍给公众的。If I remember right Bankim Babu was also responsible for introducing him to the public.

尊敬的尼中青年友好协会主席鲍德尔先生Respectable Mr. Prakash Babu Paudel, President of Nepal-China Friendship Youth Association

我希望烟农们不会违反给这个邦规定的1.7亿公斤的配额。I hope growers will not violate the quota of 170 million kg fixed for the state, " Babu said."

我之前只在我哥哥乔迪楞德拉撰写的一个滑稽剧中,演过阿力克先生的角色。I had only once before done the part of Aleek Babu in a farce written by my brother Jyotirindra.

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班吉姆先生在结束这场争论时给我写了一封信,可惜我现在已经把它丢失。At the close of this period of antagonism Bankim Babu wrote me a letter which I have unfortunately lost.

斯里干达先生确信我父亲一定会非常高兴看到这首完美的虔诚的颂歌。Srikantha Babu was convinced that my father would be overjoyed at such a perfect gem of a devotional poem.

中国古代家具中卧具形式有四种,即榻、罗汉床、架子床、拔步床。Chinese ancient furniture, bedding in the form of four, that is, the couch, Ocean's bed, bed shelf, Babu bed.

无论拿巴戈帕尔先生怎样微笑,dwirepha这个词,就像一只吃多了蜜而醉的蜜蜂,粘在原地,一动不动。However Nabagopal Babu might smile, the word dwirepha, like a bee drunk with honey, stuck to its place, unmoved.

后来,那人不可救药的粗鲁导致了他被解聘,这个时候,斯里干达先生急切地为他说情。When at last the man's incorrigible rudeness brought about his dismissal Srikantha Babu anxiously interceded for him.

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阿戈尔先生有时会让外面知识的清风吹进我们枯燥无味的课堂里。Aghore Babu would sometimes try to bring the zephyr of outside knowledge to play on the arid routine of our schoolroom.

斯里干达先生并不需要等待人家正式介绍,因为没有人可以抵御他那恳切的心里自然发出的谈话请求。Srikantha Babu had no need to wait for a formal introduction, for none could resist the natural claims of his genial heart.

那时加尔各答大学的老同学举行每年一度的聚会,钱德拉纳特先生是年会的领导人物。The old students of Calcutta University had then started an annual reunion, of which Babu Chandranath Basu was the leading spirit.