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她喝出汽油的味道。She tasted gasoline.

汽油溶解油脂。Gasoline cuts oil and grease.

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直升机使用汽油机。Helicopters use gasoline engines.

这架飞机正在应急放油。The airplane is dumping gasoline.

我手上的汽油味还没散。The gasoline was still on my hands.

汽油引擎推动汽船。A gasoline engine drives the motorboat.

我十分清楚他们会被汽油吓到。I knew enough to be afraid of gasoline.

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其实很容易找的,在加油站斜对面。Easy to find, just opposite the gasoline.

汽油和馏分油库存也出现了下降。Gasoline and distillate stocks also fell.

你的车子使用高级汽油可以增大马力。High-test gasoline will soup up your car.

打开壶盖,一股浓烈的汽油味扑面而来。Open the lid, an intense gasoline blowing.

瓶里的汽油跑了。The gasoline in the bottle has evaporated.

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有些奶牛是黑白花的。There are milk wagons and gasoline tankers.

你看用汽油能把这些污点去掉吗?。Can you take these taints out with gasoline?

四冲程汽油在摩托车发动机。Four-stroke gasoline engines in motorcycles.

约有20个国家仍在使用含铅汽油。About 20 countries still use leaded gasoline.

汽油燃烧时,能看见的东西都化为灰烬。When gasoline burns, nothing visible remains.

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汽油在美国相对来说不贵。Gasoline in America is relatively inexpensive.

普锐斯的目的是要减少汽油使用量。The goal of the Prius is to use less gasoline.

白酒的味道就像泡着腐鱼的汽油。It tastes like rancid fish steeped in gasoline.