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移开。Move away.

他不能动弹。He cannot move.

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动动你的脚!Move your feet!

你会搬家么?Would you move?

我动弹不了了。I could not move.

我讲话,爱动。I do speak, move.

飘移在那风里。Move in the wind.

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超过了希腊。Move over Greece.

咱们把箱子搬开吧。Let's move the box.

转移你的股息。Move your dividends.

我已经抉择搬场了。I've decided to move.

如果生活令人厌倦,那就动起来吧。If life stinks, move.

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意識跟著呼吸移动。Move with the breath.

别动我的孩子!do not move my child!

然后以这种方式一直下去And move on like that.

不要动长颈瓶。Do not move the flask.

他让我移开我的车。He let me move my car.

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您将怎样搬移小美人鱼?How will you move her?

我把这个放低点Let me move this down.

请继续上课。So we will move along.