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她是法国人。She is French.

意大利菜还是法国菜?Italian or French?

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她的主修科目是法语。Her major is French.

我选修了法语。I minored in French.

你有法国人的基本特征。You have French feet.

他在学习法语。He is studying French.

这个是法式甲片。This is a French film.

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露西会说法语吗?Does Lucy speak French?

请向法国脱帽致敬吧。Hats off to the French.

我喜欢说法语。I like speaking French.

她就要来学法语。She is learning French.

你喜欢法国菜吗?Do you like French food?

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我们的是法国式。We do it the French way.

我的法语荒疏了。I'm forgetting my French.

我的法语有些荒疏了。My French is a bit rusty.

我们都喜欢法国电影。We all love French films.

我的法语荒疏了。Iwim forgetting my French.

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布尔乔亚"是法语bourgeois的音译Bourgeois is a French word.

他现在改说法语了。He switches over to French.

我喜欢吃法国炸土豆片。I like to eat French fries.