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新鲜的绿叶蔬菜更嫩,味道也更美。Fresher greens are more tender and tastier.

我拉上窗帘,顿时觉得心胸开朗,格外清新。I close the curtain now, feeling broader, fresher.

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乔像一个大学新生一样,热衷于每一次讲座。Joe went enthusiastically to every lecture like a fresher.

如果他们以牺牲你的利益获得了更新鲜的产品,这将是一个遗憾。It would be a shame if they got the fresher product at your expense.

天然鲜果蓝莓精华提取,令您口气更清新。Natural fruit essence of blueberry extract, make your breath fresher.

擦干泪后,你能怀着更清�的心情迈着更轻松的步伐。Wipe the tears away, you can walk the lighter step with fresher mood.

空气很清新,而且在这里和心爱的人一起看夕阳也很浪漫。The air is fresher and it's romantic to watch the sunset with your lover.

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要使蛋的保鲜时间更长,把它们贮藏在低的位置和放在它们上市用的纸箱中。To keep eggs fresher longer, stow 'em low and in the carton they came in.

如果在日记里写上“我的狗在我悲伤的时候舔了我的脸”就让人耳目一新。Froh says. Writing 'my dog licked my face when I was sad' keeps it fresher.

生姜用硫熏之后会显得新鲜因此卖的更好。Ginger, after being smoked by sulfa, appears fresher and therefore sells better.

伴随着对新鲜食物的追求,人们开始接触本地的家庭农场。As people seek fresher foods, they have begun to connect with local family farms.

建议从龙猫店购买食品,因为专门店的乾草一般更新鲜。Buy foods from a chinchilla shop as the turnover will be higher and foods fresher.

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该公司拥有10个页面,需要重新与新的内容和清新的风格了。The company has 10 pages that need to be re-made with new content and a fresher style.

它闻到了这新鲜的血腥气,此刻正加快了速度,蓝色的脊鳍划破了水面。Now he speeded up as he smelled the fresher scent and his blue dorsal fin cut the water.

事实上,离海那么近,你所期待的食物都新鲜。In fact, because you're so close to the sea you can almost expect the food to be fresher.

彼特鲁乔亲爱的凯德,老老实实告诉我,你可曾看见过一个比她更娇好的淑女?PETRUCHIO. Tell me, sweet Kate, and tell me truly too, Hast thou beheld a fresher gentlewoman?

轻重量的佩方帮助几乎适应湿度变化,吸收多余油分,让彩妆更加清爽,延长彩妆时间。Lightweight formula helps wick away perspiration absorb excess oil so makeup looks fresher longer.

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阿茉瑞斯“咯咯”地笑起来,伸手指了指中间一个抽水马桶,阿纳金默默无言地走进盥洗室。Ameris giggled and pointed to the middle fixture and Anakin wordlessly made his way into the fresher.

享用越接近出厂日期的啤酒会是越好的,因为啤酒越新鲜,越好味。It is best to consume beer close to the date of packaging, as the fresher the beer, the better it tastes.

在市场机制的作用下,象利维这样的一般品牌很有可能会逐渐消失,被新的品牌所代替。Left to market forces, so-so brands such as Levi's might well fade away and be replaced by fresher labels.