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我的新收音机耳机。It's my new radio earphone.

这是我新的耳机收音机。It's my new radio earphone.

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这个耳机有故障了。This earphone is not working.

你能帮我看看这个耳机吗?Can you help me with this earphone?

好吧。我把耳机戴上。All right.I will put the earphone on.

可以使用免提设备或者耳机。You could use a hands-free device or an earphone.

我觉得你可以把耳机音量调大。I think you should consider turning up your earphone.

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为了不打扰别人,他插上了耳塞。He jacked in the earphone so that he would not disturb others.

如果你不喜欢轻一点的音量,请你用耳机听。If you can't enjoy a senseful volume, please use your earphone.

似乎有个问题是针对可缩放的耳机线。There seems to be a problem with the retractable earphone cord.

世界杯期间,在那里购物还送无线耳机呢!During the world cup, shop to still send wireless earphone over!

耳机插孔与标准耳机孔不兼容。The earphone jack is not compatible with the standard mini-jack.

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旅游还具有击败了世界上第一个纠结无耳机线。Beats Tour also features the world's first tangle-free earphone cable.

双声道耳机接口,内置高保真度1W扬声器,音量可调。Double track earphone port and insert hi-fi 1W speaker, volume adjustable.

播放时,请先插入耳机,然后依按钮提示标示进行选曲操作。To play MP3 music, plug earphone first and select tracks using the buttons.

提出了基于神经网络模型的耳机噪声消除系统的设计方法。New design method of canceling earphone noise based on neural network is presented.

很多人说它用起来不够人性化,而且耳机线不够长。Many said that it wasn't user-friendly and that the earphone cord wasn't long enough.

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旁边的是VGA、麦克风和耳筒机的插槽,当然还有USB插槽了。The ports beside are normal VGA, mic and earphone ports, of course, one USB port, too.

把耳机插头与PC板上的耳机插座相连接。激光器开始工作。Please connect the earphone plug of power supply to the earphone socket of the PC board. The laser starts to work.

我把你的耳机用坏了,我买新的赔你,你把我的自行车丢了,连句对不起也没说。I compensate the screwed pair of earphone by buying a new pair, yet you still own me an apology for my missing bike.