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小草的颜色很多,有青色的、绿色的、翠色的,多极了。Grass color many, have blue, green, green color, multipolar.

奥巴马的决定将会刺激克里姆林宫对多极世界的思考。Obama's decision will stimulate thinking in the multipolar world within the Kremlin.

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他们的外交政策专家强调他们承诺遵守这个多极世界的规则。Its foreign-policy experts stress their commitment to a rules-based multipolar world.

可使用在循环水泵、多级泵、污水泵、往复式泵等有鼠动或跳动的设备上。Multipolar pump. Polluted water pump. Move back and forth pump and jumping equipment.

多极细胞胞体呈圆形、多角形或三角形,可发出3-6个突起。The shape of multipolar cells were round and triangular or polygonal with 3 to 6 processes.

在建议多极世界的倡议中,俄罗斯将自己看成多极中的一极,统治着它的疆土。In advocating a multipolar world, Russia sees itself as one of the poles, dominating its region.

本文借助计算机对多极正余弦第三型绕组进行设计计算。In this article multipolar resolver sine-cosine third winding is designed and calculated by computor.

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亚洲和欧洲同是多极世界的重要力量,也是经济全球化的重要参与者。Both of them are vital forces in the multipolar world and important players in economic globalization.

但我们可以预见发展方向——一个方向就是多极化的世界经济时代即将呈现在我们面前。But we can anticipate directions –and one is that the age of a multipolar global economy is coming into view.

提供一种繁琐的官僚模式或是福利改革或许并不像联合统治一个多极世界那样令人兴奋。Providing a model for red-tape or welfare reform may not be as much fun as jointly running a multipolar world.

中欧是世界多极化的重要推手,是维护世界和平与繁荣的主要贡献力量。Both of us are important driving forces for a multipolar world and are active contributors to world peace and prosperity.

在这个多极世界,解决许多问题,如核扩散,能源和气候变化需要一个一致办法。In this multipolar world, many issues such as nuclear proliferation, energy and climate change require a concert approach.

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报告警告,在这个日益多元化的世界里,奥巴马从这个国家继承的将不再是“发号施令”的单边霸权。The country Obama inherits, the report warns, will no longer be able to 'call the shots' alone in an increasingly multipolar world.

一段时间以来,美国不断游说中国将其经济政策瞄向刺激国内需求,以及对外开放市场。Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, has said the crisis will reduce US financial hegemony and create a more multipolar world.

用工业苯做萃取剂,采用多塔对流萃取的方法回收废水中的乐果。Taking industry benzene as extraction agent, rogor is recovered from rogor synthesis waste water by multipolar counterflow extraction.

但在卵裂开始后,可观察到诸如核物质丢失、多极分裂等异常现象。But after the beginning of cleavage some unusual phenomena were observed such as elimination of nuclear material, multipolar division etc.

离体培养和花粉的单倍性容易引起植物体细胞的核内有丝分裂,核融合,多极有丝分裂以及染色体断裂等现象。Endomitosis, karyomixis, multipolar mitosis and chromosome break of the somatic cells were easily induced by culturing in vitro and by pollen haploidy.

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并对双极神经元、多极神经元、锥体细胞、放射状胶质细胞、原浆性星形胶质细胞变化过程进行了描述。The evolutional course of bipolar nerve cells, multipolar neurons, pyramidal-like cells, radial glial cells and protoplasmic astrocytes were described.

报告警告,他继任后的国家不再享受单边霸权,因为美国权力在一个日益多极化的世界里开始式微。The country he inherits, the report warns, will no longer be able to call the shots alone, as its power over an increasingly multipolar world begins to wane.

此外,他联合其他美国的批评者,试图建立一个“多极”世界,并派发石油津贴,资助整个地区的基础设施项目。He has reached out to other US critics in an effort to create a "multipolar" world, sending subsidized oil and funding infrastructure projects across the region.