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多加木条以强固围篱。Add more logs to fortify the fence.

他们决定加强海岸地区的防卫。They decided to fortify the coastal areas.

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他们决定加强海岸地区的防卫。This country will fortify the coastal areas.

这也有助于巩固我们的在线市场地位。It also helped fortify our market position online.

喝一点热汤可以帮助你御寒。Have some hot soup to fortify you against the cold.

我们预期MEMS可以进一步强化我们的优势.We expect MEMS can further fortify those strengths of ours.

你是否愿意去看看他们,给他们打打气?Would you be willing to call on them to fortify their morale?

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这个一排石头的句子,加固出我的段落。The sentence, a row of stones that might fortify my paragraph.

它也用来起强化防腐油的杀菌作用。It has also been used to fortify the fungicidal action of creosote.

我给他们端上可可茶和果酱面包,以便帮助他们抵御外面的风寒。I served them cocoa and toast with jam to fortify against the chill outside.

因此,你应该全心全意地单独与每位好友相处,以此巩固你们的友谊。So be sure to fortify your friendships with time devoted exclusively to each person.

最好的政策,例如,好的学前教育和军队服务,会强化人们之间感情的纽带。The best policies, like good preschool and military service, fortify emotional bonds.

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计算了耶路撒冷的房屋,拆毁了民房来巩固城墙。And have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and broken down houses to fortify the wall.

加强要害部门及生命线设施的抗震设防工作。The aseismatic fortify that strengthens crucial point branch and lifeline establishment works.

琉璃苣,玫瑰果油和葡萄籽油能够能促进肌肤天然保湿,巩固肌肤状态。Borage, Rosehip and Grapseed Oil work with the skin's natural hydrating process to fortify skin.

印度将优先巩固尼科巴群岛的势力,这么做是明智的。The Indian will fortify the Nicobar Islands first before anything else, and it is wise to do so.

合理的饮食可以降低你的血压和增强你的体质。Eating the right foods can help lower your cholesterol, your blood pressure, and fortify your body.

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第四是要加强目标公司在反收购中对中小股东的保护。Finally, to fortify the protection of target company's minority shareholders during anti-takeovers.

他公布的计划旨在提高学校办学标准,加强家长权力,分散管理。His declared agenda is to raise standards in schools, fortify parent power and decentralise control.

西班牙政府则在忙着削减并巩固储蓄银行网络。The Spanish government is rushing to shrink and fortify its network of savings banks known as cajas.