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他的脚步轻快。His step was springy.

他们大步走在松软的草皮上。They strode over the springy turf.

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我们走过松软的草地。We walked across the springy grass.

一个高大的雾白色电枢弹性腿。A tall matte white armature on springy legs.

面团发好后,面团将会像海绵似的柔软和有弹性。When the dough is ready, it will be spongy and springy.

光滑而有弹性的橡胶轨道是最佳选择。Rubberized tracks smooth and springy are often your best bet.

脚垫厚实而有弹性,趾甲坚硬而且颜色深。Pads are thick and springy while nails are strong and dark colored.

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脚腕结实、有弹性、差不多垂直于地面。Pasterns are strong, springy and almost perpendicular to the ground.

她非常轻地靠在他的肩上,脸颊贴着富有弹性的花呢。She leans on it ever so little, her cheek against the springy tweed.

做松软的黄铜他们将持续终身没有散开。Made of a springy brass they'll last a lifetime without falling apart.

风格古香古色,很有特色。此外,它质地柔软,弹性足。The style is unique and antique, and the material is soft and springy.

使用一个有弹性的弹簧,喷气包和其他工具走更多的旅程。Guide the Doodler on a springy journey using springs, jet packs and more.

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是的,我确信我们的肉体对他们的箭矢而言是一种太过有弹性的体验。Yes, I am certain our flesh proved far too springy for their arrows' taste.

如果你要买已经片好的鱼片,一定要买鱼肉紧实有弹性的。If you buy the fish ready filleted, make sure the flesh is firm and springy.

你失去了些许春天的明媚,但是你增添了一抹女人的魅力。You lose some of your springy brightness, but you add a touch of womanly charm.

在两边的尾端,用泡棉胶黏住,让它有点弹性。Under the ends, there are pieces of thick double-sided tape to give it a "springy" feel.

椅自然被要求是舒服并且有弹性的感觉无论是座位还是靠背。Lounge chairs quite naturally require soft and springy feel in their seats and backrests.

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画上鼻子眼睛等,使用2像素的笔刷给娃娃画两根头发。Create eyes, nose lips etc. using 2 pixel brush. Create 2 springy antenna and place on top of the head.

它能让脚趾关节保持灵活,我猜想裁判肯定特别留意那种脚趾有弹性的。It’s supposed to keep your joints from getting stiff. I figure judges like toes that are kind of springy.

因此,从现在开始,选择克制。这里有十大戒训可以帮助你开启一段美好的生活。So beginning today, choose to verify control. Here are decade commandments to help you springy a nice life.