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她那番严肃的话使我敬畏。I was awed by her solemn words.

畏怯那不屈不挠的勇气!Awed by that indomitable courage!

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那小女孩被吓得不敢做声了。The little girl was awed into silence.

这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。The majesty of the skyscraper awed me.

特雷福惊呼道,“我可真没想到会是这样。”Trevor awed. “I never imagined it to be like this!”

孩子们被校长吓得说不出话来。The children were awed into silence by the schoolmaster.

她严厉的声音把他们吓得鸦雀无声了。They were awed into silence by the sternness of her voice.

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我对这个发展趋势即感敬畏又感恐惧。I am both awed and terrified by what this development portends.

他们对他感到敬畏,彼此面面相觑,露出不安的钦佩之情。They were awed by him and looked at each other in uneasy admiration.

孩子们对小丑夸张扭曲的身体惊叹不已。The children were awed by the exaggerated contortion of the clown's body.

游客从临近的一些省份涌入,相比之下,他们往往显得十分敬畏。Visitors streaming in from nearby provinces, by contrast, often seem awed.

他还没有出声,他的态度和容貌已经使每颗心都凛然生畏。His mien and his countenance awed every heart, even before a sound left his lips.

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同每一位造访中国的人士一样,这个国家的发展规模也令我产生敬畏之感。Like every visitor to China, I was awed by the scale of the country’s development.

吴哥窟在12世纪早期初建时就令参观者们敬畏不已。Angkor Wat has awed visitors since it was first built in the early twelfth century.

亲爱的父,我们惊叹祢无比的智慧和救主舍己的大爱。Dear Father, we are awed by your great wisdom and by our Savior's sacrificial love.

中国完全改变了亚洲旅游市场。People are awed by the statistics and China completely skews the Asia travel market.

不过,在这最后一方面,即使是卡内基也可能会与张女士相形见绌。In this last respect, however, even Carnegie might have been a bit awed by Mrs Cheung.

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褚慎明靠着三四十封这类回信,吓倒了无数人,有位爱才的阔官僚花一万金送他出洋。With some thirty or forty of these replies, Ch'u Shen-ming had awed innumerable people.

马车停在酒店铺着红地毯的入口前时,我们都不禁惊叹起来。We can’t help but be awed as our carriage pulls up to the hotel’s red-carpeted entrance.

第一个看诊的早晨,我便对面前这鲜明地交杂着希望和绝望的情形感到敬畏。On the morning of our first clinic, I was awed by the contrasting images of despair and hope.