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你是圣地牙哥中华学苑的家长吗?。Are you a parent at SDCA?

那么父母应该怎末做呢?So how does a parent do it?

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子女是父母的至宝。Caution is parent of safety.

物体变换的父级。The parent of the transform.

我一次也没有见到他们的父母。Never once did I see a parent.

谨慎小心是安全之源。caution is the parent of safety.

找一条狗的亲生父母。A biological birth parent search.

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那么,一位担心的家长要做些什么呢?So what’s a worried parent to do?

但是在家里,他是个严厉的家长。But at home, he is a harsh parent.

勤愤是成功之母。Industry is the parent of success.

产卵后亲鱼死亡,寿命仅壹年。The parent fish die after spawning.

你是圣地牙哥中华学苑的家长或学生吗?。Are you a parent or student at SDCA?

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所以请观察,倾听,询问,抚育。So observe, listen, ask, and parent.

时代华纳是美国在线的母公司。Time Warner is parent company of AOL.

你的心血所来自的湖泊。Thy life-blood tracks its parent lake.

如果父母看不到酗酒的问题呢?WhatIf a Parent Doesn't See a Problem?

我只是想做一位好家长而已“I'm being a good parent by doing this."

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我爱教会就像一个人爱他的父亲一样。I love the Church as one loves a parent.

你会对那悲伤的父母一语不发吗?Do you say nothing to the grieving parent?

父母是我们家的支柱。My parent are the stanchion of our family.