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巨大儿和剖宫产分娩。Macrosomia and cesarean delivery.

剖宫产指征中社会因素上升到首位。The social factor became the first cause of cesarean section.

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产程图为V型和头位分娩评分在9分以下者全部采用了剖宫产。All of the Type V and score below 9 accepted cesarean Section.

破腹产后哺乳期70天月经复潮正常吗?Cesarean section 70 days post-lactation period complex wave normal?

两组自然分娩率和剖宫产率相似,无显著差异。Natural delivery rates and cesarean rates in two groups are similar.

当出现了临产先兆或计划施行剖宫产时再拆除缝线。When the aura of birth or plan to dismantle suture cesarean section.

目的观察新式剖宫术式有效性及安全性。Objective To study the effectivity and safety of type cesarean section.

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剖宫产产妇意识清醒的情况下行皮肤接触、早吸吮。Cesarean delivery of maternal conscious downward skin contact, early sucking.

如果证实是胎儿窘迫,那么通常会要求做剖宫产。If fetal distress is confirmed, then cesarean delivery is usually called for.

目的探讨剖宫产手术对再次妇科手术的影响。Objective To discuss the affection of cesarean for gynecological re-operation.

妊娠41周,经促宫颈成熟后引产可降低剖宫产分描。Induction at 41 weeks with cervical ripening lowers the cesarean delivery rate.

但不同地区剖宫产率不同,剖宫产指征也有差异。其中城市远高于较偏僻地区。Puerpera who took cesarean section took place in city and mountain area in 2005.

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剖宫产术率高存在一定的社会和医源性因素。High rate of cesarean section is caused by certain socialist and clinical factors.

目的改进剖宫产切口的缝合技术。Objective To improve the suturing techniques in the incisions of cesarean section.

你这次怀孕没有必须剖腹产的指证,如胎盘前置。You don't have a reason for a cesarean in this pregnancy, such as a placenta previa.

目的探索布比卡因腰麻用于剖宫产手术的最佳剂量。AIM To observe the best dose of Bupivacaine in lumbar anesthesia for cesarean section.

对于医疗卫生人员来说,剖宫产分娩是剖腹产手术的特定例行基地。Cesarean deliveries are termed C-sections on a routine bases by health care providers.

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余2例产妇因瘢痕子宫外的原因而进行剖宫产术。More than 2 cases of maternal uterine scar due to reasons outside the cesarean section.

萨维奇,40岁,将会在两周内通过剖腹产分娩生下一个男孩。Savage, 40, is due to give birth to a boy within the next two weeks via cesarean section.

同时,娩出通道存在的不良状况也对分娩过程影响很大。Cesarean births are also performed in events of unsafe conditions within the birthing canal.