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那位将军是位身材魁梧的老人。The general is a portly old man.

他要饱餐一顿肥猪肉。He would make a feast of the portly grunter.

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当年的大众情人如今已经42岁,身体发福。The 42-year-old one-time heart-throb cut a distinctly portly figure.

北极原住民通常矮小、浑圆、肥胖并因此而有助于身体保暖。Arctic people are generally short, round, portly and, therefore, warm.

习先生57岁,有点发福,他一直以来就被认为是主席候补。Mr Xi, a portly 57-year-old, has long been tipped as the leader-in-waiting.

我的朋友史蒂夫对我说,“我说,你现在长着胖胖的亚洲脸了。”My friend Steve said to me, “Well, you’ve got that portly Asian look down now.”

陪着她一道的那两个仪表堂堂的男子汉又是谁?And who are the two noble portly figures accompanying her, now grown to man's estate?

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一个13岁的女孩儿用黏土称作了一个只能用“大腹便便”来形容的女性。One girl aged 13, used clay to create a woman that could only be described as portly.

第一位是个中年男性、身型肥胖的商人,正准备入城去采购货品。The first, a portly man of middle years, was a merchant going to the city to buy goods.

前排的那些大腹便便的绅士们开始觉得她是一个可人的小东西。The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel.

张太太是位四十多岁的胖女人,外国名字是小巧玲珑的Tessie。Mrs. Chang was a portly woman of forty or more with the dainty little foreign name of "Tessie."

当时我们每周都会上一个小时的演讲课,上课的是一个体态肥胖的老先生,名字叫做普里斯特利。For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley.

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发福的的银行经理——苏达平,邀我们去打猎还拍了照。The portly bank manager, Su Dapeng, offers to take us hunting for wildfowl and to pose for a portrait.

金正日习惯身着量身定做的连衫裤工作服来突出其发福的身型,他似乎算不上时尚偶像。Habitually clad in a boiler suit tailored to highlight his portly frame, Kim Jong Il seems an unlikely style icon.

我们来看看,一个人能否是高尚而不够善良的?"We discover if one can be noble without being Good, " said the portly abishai, rubbing his leathery palms together.

现在,如果国内肥胖的青少年恐怖分子把手搭在即将起爆的核弹上,这可能确实是所有“恐惧的总和”。Now, if portly teenage domestic terrorists got their hands on a loose nuke, that really might be the sum of all fears.

至于梅吉,她简直没法把特丽萨满脸笑容、矮矮胖胖的妈妈和她自己那面无笑容、颀长苗条的妈妈相提并论。As for Meggie, she was incapable of equating Teresa's beaming, portly little mother with her own slender unsmiling mother.

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到1975年年底,“医生老爸”杜瓦利埃已经退位,他的儿子继承了他的政权。儿子是个身体肥胖的年轻人,人人都称他为“医生小子”。By late 1975, Papa Doc Duvalier had passed from the scene, succeeded by his son, a portly young man whom everybody called Baby Doc.

他们看着我跟马拉松运动员一样瘦削的身段,讶异于我究竟看上这个穿加大尺码裤子的了不得的情人的哪一点。They saw me with my thin marathoner's body and wondered what it was that I admired in this portly paramour with the plus-size panties.

他看著那儿,努力不流露出一丝惊讶和慌张,这时一个肥胖的男人出现在壁炉的火焰里,转得像陀螺一样快。He watched, trying not to betray a flicker of surprise or alarm, as a portly man appeared within the flames, spinning as fast as a top.