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也许是因为我疲惫的程度。Maybe it was my level of exhaustion.

或是太多飞行的倦容?Or exhaustion from too many flights?

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他可能想躲避烦劳的工作。He might also want to avoid exhaustion.

过载保护功能,废气抽风系统。Filtering protection waste gas exhaustion system.

如何消除眼疲劳和假性近视?。How to eliminate eye exhaustion and pseudomyopia?

伴有呕吐和昏晕。Fainting and vomiting accompanies heat exhaustion.

漏损这字眼很恰当,就这样,欧洲因这一消耗而破产。Europe is being ruined in this manner by exhaustion.

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因为公众的审美疲劳会给他们一个教训。A lesson for potential wannabes is public exhaustion.

此要件为权利穷竭的基础。This element is the basis for the exhaustion of right.

他站着睡着了,显然是太累了。His exhaustion was obvious when he fell asleep standing.

蜂皇精治神经衰弱很有效。Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion.

去年,预计的资产枯竭日期被推迟到了2041年。Last year, the projected exhaustion date was moved to 2041.

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其中一个跑步者在赛跑后因为疲劳而虚脱了。One of the runners collapsed from exhaustion after the race.

随着夜色深沉,疲惫最终战胜了她们的不适。As the night wears on, exhaustion overcomes their discomfort.

主要表现为突然发烧、咳嗽、肌肉痛和疲倦。The symptoms include fever, cough, courbature and exhaustion.

不久,她只感到陷入─种精疲力竭旳麻木状态。Then she felt herself go into a kind of stupor of exhaustion.

而江水汲汲流于海,终弗竭也。But rivers flow tirelessly to the sea, never ending in exhaustion.

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在精疲力竭了好一会后那脚又开始挣扎。Nevertheless after a pause of exhaustion the legs fluttered again.

他让那可怜的鱼儿挣扎,直到肚子朝天、精疲力竭为止。He played the poor fish until it rolled, belly up, from exhaustion.

商标权权利穷竭是商标法上的重要制度。Exhaustion of trademark rights is an important system in trademark law.