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比利今天带着夏娜回家。Billy came home with a shiner today.

你有一双黑色的眼睛,炯炯有神。You had a black eye. A right bloody shiner.

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奥马尔来自叙利亚,14岁,擦鞋。Omar is a 14 year-old shoe shiner from Syria.

所谓黑眼圈,就是眼睛被击打时产生的结果。A shiner is what you get when you get punched in the eye.

有一天我带着一只熊猫眼被学校踢回了家。I got sent home from school one day with a shiner on my eye.

如果你奇怪我黑眼圈哪来的,我撞到门了。If you're wondering where I got this shiner , I ran into a door.

如果你奇怪我黑眼圈哪来的,我撞到门了。If you're wonderingswheresI got this shiner , I ransintosa door.

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他的左眼圈黑黑的、表情很痛苦,他正迈着仿佛灌了铅的褪向他们走来。He has a shiner around his left eye and a pained look on his face, and he is stomping toward them.

他的校长仍记得某场拳击赛后的早晨,他带着两个大黑眼圈来教室上课的场景。His principal remembered seeing him arrive for classes with a shiner or two the morning after a fight.

超亮光的LED发光体代替了一半的电灯泡,可永久使用,能见度达一英里。Exceed light LED shiner replace half of electric bulb , can be used forever and Visibility reach one mile.

闪亮旗下马努斯乔伊创作的环保家具一定会动摇你固有的想象。Created by Joe Manus under the brand Shiner modern eco-friendly furniture surely will rock your imagination.

就像两个十几人站在谁免费夏纳博克啤酒线奥斯汀第六街很多,我是“造物主”。Like many of the two dozen or so people who were standing in line for free Shiner Bock beer on Austin's 6th Street, I am a "Creator".

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看看那个打伤的青肿眼眶!好的,告诉我们发生了什么,因为这是一个令人着迷的故事。对你可能不太好,但我们很高兴你没事。Look at that shiner ! Okay, so tell us what happened, because this is a fascinating story. Not so good for you, but we're glad you're okay.