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尼斯特是怎样做到这些的呢?How did Bannister do this?

然后Roger,Bannister出现。And then came along Roger Bannister.

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栏干出云表,目可了四围。Izumo bannister table, the head may be around.

但在五月六日,Roger,Bannister特做到了。And on the 6th of May, Roger Bannister does it.

故事讲的是。Roger Bannister And the story is of Roger Bannister.

他说“四分钟内跑完是可能的。Roger Bannister said, "It is possible to run in 4 minutes.

在1954年5月,罗杰办尼斯忒先生在四分钟内跑完了1公里。In May 1954, Sir Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile.

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佐伊·班尼斯特弓着身子,趴在她阳台的写字台上。Zoe Bannister hunched over her veranda desk, correcting exercise books.

佐伊·班尼斯特弓着身子,趴在她阳台的写字台上,批改着作业。Zoe Bannister hunched over her veranda desk, correcting exercise books.

班尼斯特拒绝在“四分钟一英里”的范围内工作。Bannister refused to work within the confines of the belief of the four-minute mile.

约翰班尼斯特和他的团队的幸存者,这就是他们所谓的家,都是他们的。For John Bannister and his team of survivors it's what they call home, and it's all they got.

1952年,年轻的英国长跑选手罗杰。吉尔伯特。班尼斯特在1500米终点的时候发现了自我。In 1952 a young English runner named Roger Gilbert Bannister found himself in the 1500m final.

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他们都有可能夺走班尼斯特梦寐以求的纪录。There was a considerable possibility that one of them would beat Bannister to the coveted record.

1954年,在英国,成为第一位,罗杰·班尼斯特的运动员跑一英里在不到4分钟。And 1954, in Britain, Roger Bannister becomes the first athlete to run a mile in fewer than 4 minutes.

他一直都在刻苦训练,保持身体的良好状态,但是天气状况一直是他所担心的。Bannister had been training hard and was very fit, but the weather conditions were a real worry to him.

罗杰·班尼斯特重写了通常情况下我们坚持的关于一个运动员的身体、心理和能力的。Roger Bannister re-wrote the commonly held belief held about an athlete’s physical, and mental, ability.

她两手抓住赭色的栏干,身体朝前倾去,仿佛她要跟栏干保持一定距离似的。She held on to the ochre bannister with both hands, leaning forward, as if she were keeping it at arm’s length.

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然而,在1954年6月,英国运动员罗杰·班尼斯特成为第一个打破四分钟一英里的障碍。However, on May 6 1954, the English athlete Roger Bannister became the first person to break the four-minute mile barrier.

班尼斯特已经打破了人类在这个速度下赛跑的能力的限制,于是也打开了一个闸门。Bannister had broken a belief in the limit of a human’s ability to run at such a pace and, consequently, opened a floodgate.

此外,完美的想法关闭了你达成新标准的心——问一下罗杰·班尼斯特如何打破4分钟1英里的纪录吧。In addition, the idea of perfect closes your mind to new standards – just ask Roger Bannister about breaking the 4 minute mile.